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Showing 1 of 256 conversations about:
Aug 9, 2018
I still haven't bitten the bullet on the TR-X00 Ebony, but I will be getting them some day.
As of now my favorite closed back are my AKG K267s. They are some of the best neutral headphones I've heard but have the option, should you choose, to boost up the low end in a way that is tasteful and doesn't destroy the overall presentation. Those are truly remarkable cans. I just wish they hadn't been bitten by the durability bug in the early production runs and earned themselves a bad name.
I would love to see those make a resurgence with a different paint job (all black except the bass setting ring!?) and a more durable headband. And since it's all the rage at the moment, why not use 4 pin XLR connectors and make them balanced capable?
That would be a worthwhile set of cans.
In the more general sense that I think this post is intended though, I am more focused on how headphones sound than how they are built. Durability is the only build issue I have any concern over. They must stay together. Beyond that, just make them sound good.
Edit: That being said, I typically listen to open back headphones and use IEMs (curse them!) on the go.
Aug 9, 2018
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