Refusal to take responsibility.
Hi, Just thought I would make a note here of your handling of my issues. I ordered a pair of HD6xx headphones and then earlier today recieved the package. I drive to go and get it, as I like in the UK I had to pay import tax and handling fees. These total £47.92. The breakdown being £35.92 in tax and £12 in fees. These taxes were calculated of the shipping label of the box, which marked the shipment as the 6xx headphones of $199 value. Before leaving the parcel depot, I open the box to find a $35 lord of the rings mousepad. So now the problem is not only do I not have the headphones, but you have marked the shipment wrong so I have paid £47.92 fees for the handling of the mousepad. Which would have acrued £0 of fees if marked correctly as it is under £135. I go back to the desk but as I have already paid the fees I am unable to reject the shipment, but as the box said 6xx, there was no way for me to know before opening it. I contact support and they offer me a replacement, which...
Jan 17, 2025
So far, I have been thinking of the ATH M50x as it's collapsible and and seems sturdy enough to be tossed around in my bag without breaking. I've also looked at the V-Moda M100 for similar reasons. Although they don't collapse, the Sennheiser HD 569/598 Cs look to be very lightweight, sturdy, and overall not very big. I've also seen the Thinksound ON2's here for a good price but I'm a bit apprehensive to get them due to them being more on-ear than over-ear. Their sound sig does seem to be up my alley and they do appear to be rather portable.
For context, I've tried the Status Audio CB-1 in the past and did not like them. I've also tried the Meze 99 Neo's and while I enjoyed the sound, the pads were very uncomfortable and made my ears sweat like mad. The Beyerdynamic COPP's were quite comfy but didn't have the SQ to back it up (my pair had some very bad cup/driver rattle). I also returned some Aeon Flow Closed due to their sound despite them having great build quality, accessories, and comfort (SQ way too lean and cold for my taste).
Price is of no concern as long as they sound good and are truly portable. I tend to prefer cans that have swappable pads (velour vs leather) and cables (length and/or mic'd) but if the headphone is good enough then I guess those two things won't be missed. I also vastly prefer over-ear vs. on-ear.
Any and all suggestions are welcome. Many thanks.