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Showing 1 of 7 conversations about:
Sep 6, 2018
I personally enjoy my Elex, I prefer the HE500's sound a bit more with most genres but the Elex are well worth their asking price. Of all my headphones (31 pairs) and counting I can say that nothing sounds like the HD650 on anywhere near a 1:1 hit but if you like that slightly warm side of neutral sound the Elex/HE500 are the most reasonable upgrades I've found. I enjoy the Elex on my Cayin iHA-6 with the SE output being warmer than the XLR output. I also get good mileage out of the Elex and the Lyr (gen 1), the Gustard H10 (discont.) as well as my LG V20.
I would keep the Elex as I've not found it to be very amp picky and go with a Matsushita or Amperex tube for the CTH. The Matsushita may be harder to find but is fairly cheap (60is a pair) while the Amperex run the gamut from not cheap to selling a kidney expensive. I run Phillips(Amperex) MiniWatt SQ's in my Lyr but I can't really recommend them at their current prices, they've almost tripled since I bought mine.
If the new tubes don't improve things send the CTH back to massdrop, they should at the very least cover any fault that may be present if not wholly refund your purchase. The new tubes can be flipped fairly easily online or kept for different gear.
Sep 6, 2018
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