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Sep 23, 2018
misposted earlier, didn't read the end. Low volume huh? Impedance is not the spec you want to look for, sensitivity is. You want sensitive headphones, and if you can find ones with impedance of 50 or higher that'd be good. You could also get an amp, but you'd be double amping if the switch doesn't have a line out (that's a bad thing). SR is rated at 112dB, so you want higher. I'm pretty surprised such a sensitive headphone isn't getting enough volume, must be a really weak amp.
Sep 24, 2018
Cole104Thank you! Figured I mixed up the two (impedance - sensitivity). From the research I have done, many people claim the amp inside the switch is very weak. I'm thinking I should not invest in anymore audio equipment for my switch. I think it's better to wait till Nintendo revises the Switch with a newer model; maybe they will beef up the specs.
Sep 27, 2018
Megazineyes, maybe there's some IEMs if you want something in the meantime. even $50 can buy decent sound IMO, and some IEMs are very sensitive, plus they isolate so outside noise interferes less. In any case, good luck!
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