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Showing 1 of 12 conversations about:
Aug 5, 2018
I own a pair of m50x for years, and I absolutely hate the pair. It's soooo overhyped. Sure, it is a fabulous pair of headphones--for professional studio use, since it's a pair of MONITORS. All the qualities are tailored toward that end. It's flat, it's dry, it's boring, but it's extremely accurate and cost-effective. Hence, they suck at almost everything else aside from recording or mixing. I'm not saying m50x is a bad pair of headphones--far from it; the sound quality is superb--but they are built specifically for a even more specific group of industry professionals which most of us aren't a part of. If you want enjoyment and COMFORT, seriously, look elsewhere. However, sound, enjoyment, and comfort are very subjective... and they really are a great pair for the price. I hate them, but don't regret ever owning them. So... take them or leave them, both at your own risk. Personally, I've longed outgrown my m50x into a pair of DT1990 Pro, and not looking back at all.
Aug 5, 2018
Jan 18, 2019
ZephonwingFeel the same - M50X's are overhyped. I also own two pairs. Never use them now. Nice for decorations though...
Jan 18, 2019
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