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Showing 1 of 2 conversations about:
Mar 18, 2015
I think the EL-8 is going to be a very popular set of headphones. The sound is excellent, they are comfortable to wear (neither too heavy, nor too hot), and they look and feel very nice. They aren't inexpensive, but you get a lot for your money. I'm listening to a closed-back pair as a write this. :-)
I don't know how much manufacturing capability Audeze has, but hopefully they could support a Massdrop offer in the not-too-distant future.
I've read that some people don't love the wood trim. Perhaps there is some opportunity for Audeze to try out (an) alternate cosmetic option(s) via a limited Massdrop offer? What would you like to see?
Mar 18, 2015
Mar 20, 2015
HappyMaxthere will be an upcoming black & grey version per head-fi thread.
Mar 20, 2015
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