I'd rather the HD 800s get a a drop for around 1,200 I've tried both and think the S is significantly better all around for me and other people. So if an 800 were to drop I pray for the S variant. Because if I'm spending 900$ I don't mind a few hundred more for a superior product.
Newgrounds404I have the chance to grab a pair of HD800s for $1000. The only thing is that it's the last unit, so they were used as a display at the store I'm looking to get them from. Would you think it's a good deal or I better pass?
Steve-CastFor me that would all depend if I still would get at least 1 year warranty with them being used. I would pounce on it if I was able to get a pair of the S's for cheap. Just make sure the cable isn't messed up or kinked as well.