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Drop DCL Silver Keycap Set

Drop DCL Silver Keycap Set

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Drop DCL Shadow Keycap Set
Drop CSTM Mechanical Keyboard

Mar 14, 2024
The listing claims these are double-shot (including multiple paragraphs praising qualities of ABS and the double-shot process), but these are very obviously painted, right? Which means they'd be subject to a whole different set of qualifying properties concerning durability, right? Which means you're setting up the pins for angry Drop bros to start complaining about shine after a month of use and backlight bleed a few months after that from the paint wearing away completely. ...right? Or is there a marketing blurb about the paint being wicked awesome that the listing grannies at Drop didn't get? I swear I'm just trying to be helpful ♥️ I know I'm being sassy but it's for entertainment, haha. These kinds of details are deadly important and I cannot convey how deeply exasperating it is to encounter consistent issues of incorrect/lacking detail in the mech product posts. For, like, YEARS. Anywho, please shame me if I've got it wrong and y'all're just using some proprietary micron-thin double-shot process. Thaaaaanks @Drop
Mar 14, 2024
Appreciate the swift and detailed reply! <3 I read through the linked thread and feel confident enough to trust your statements on the efforts of the coating. I'm actually returning here from an email I just received for the pre order campaign, and at one point it states there's machining involved (see attached image). That's part of what my initial grumbling was about how it seems a bad game of telephone is going on between engineers, vendors, organizers and whoever does copy for the listings. Like, there's a lot of generic ultra-sales blurbs but little in the way of genuine information we need to make an informed purchase. I feel bad for staff like yourself getting bombarded by grumpy nerds going agro-pedantic over it all hahaha

ClaridAhh, I see what you mean by that. Definitely a fair comment that machining could reasonably be interpreted to mean tooling was made, therefore double shot. I didn't write that copy myself, but I can see where laser-etching is also considered to be a "machining" process, as it's all part of machining/manufacturing the keycaps. Regardless, it's a valuable point of feedback to keep in mind when choosing the language for this type of thing. :) Oh, and noted on the sales-blurb aspect too! Always a balance with that, haha.
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