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Topping DX5 DAC/Amp

Topping DX5 DAC/Amp

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Customer Reviews

(1 reviews)
Apr 26, 2024
checkVerified Buyer
Topping Dx5 malfunction.
Yo, I'm bummed. My Topping DX5 came with a broken OLED display. It has dual DACs but isn't balanced. The XLR headphone output is a fake-out—it's not balanced and has the same low power as the 6.3mm jack. Don't waste your money on it. O
n low gain (since I can't change it with the dead OLED), my Xduoo XD05 with a Burson op-amp sounds better. It's got more punch and air.
Jun 13, 2024
I know i should send it back, but isnt easy from Poland (EU) to USA. I mail first a lot, with Drop and Topping. If you wait half a year for your package from Drop and then ist broken, you dont want wait another months, and pay second time tax. About Dac, mayby I prefer AKM dacs, I dont tell DX5 is bad, but at first listening its little harsh, and not powerfull( punchy).
Jun 13, 2024
ZybimanThese are converters that are being used now by professional mixing engineers, Because they are as clean and accurate as $2,000 converters... And not only helps with subtle detail.... But it's a very good option for running out of the DAW into outboard gear... It may not sonically be what you're looking for.... For whatever reason. But they are crazy clean, accurate and in a lot of people's opinion actually enhance the audio in a musical way.... Maybe they're too accurate for your taste? Maybe it has more to do with the headphone amp... That has plenty of power but It's not going to be warm or old school in any way. But the convertors... Those are something special. Have you really run it through its paces by using a different headphone amp with it? Or tried using it with a good stereo/speakers? I'm planning on getting this DAC.... In one of their units. Perhaps this one
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