Even at half price this seems like a joke. I mean if you're happy buying them I'm happy, but there's a ton of "fun" sound to be had these days for less than this.
IMHO, both Vega 2020 and Dorado 2020 are underrated. Sure, they may not be the definition of neutrality, but what they do, they do really well. For $699, these are a great choice.
nicdubThe issue with Campfire is that a lot of other companies do better for less. I agree that neutrality can be over rated in many instances so that's not what I'm talking about here. Campfire punches below the weight their price commands, many other companies punch above. So they get slaughtered in their price range all the time. IMHO the main sell of them is they are just more durable in the casing and they dodge the issue with two pin connectors, though some people view the metal shells and mmcx as draw backs.
frontsidebusI agree they are pricey and often times other options can be found at lower prices with comparable sound quality. They are a boutique IEM company (among other things) and you certainly pay for it. We are fortunate as audio consumers to have so many options.
Headfonics review of the Dorado 2020
The Dorado 2020 has an 'in your face' V-shaped tuning combined with a powerful low-end, sparkling highs, and a clean but clear sounding midrange. It is tailor-made for that sparse mixing style so prevalent in modern music today.