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Interested in working with drop?

Become a Drop Affiliate

By becoming a Drop Affiliate, you can earn commission for Drop-related content and get priority consideration for new campaigns, giveaways, and partnership opportunities.

How it works

  1. Get Approved

    Apply and get approved to join the Drop Affiliate Program.

  2. Create Content

    Create content with your favorite Drop products.

  3. Earn Commission

    Earn commission through sales from your Affiliate link.

Become a part of our affiliate program

Here are some of the exciting benefits to joining our Drop Affiliate Program:

  • Earn Commission

    What’s a great partnership without great compensation?

    When you partner with us through the Drop Affiliate Program, we provide competitive commission as a percentage of all product sales through affiliate links.

  • Get Priority consideration

    With new products launching weekly, new campaigns coming regularly, and new brand collabs happening more than ever before, we have a lot to interest our community.

    As part of the Drop Affiliate Program, you get priority consideration for these new developments and more.

  • Unlock New Partnerships

    We’re always looking for new ways to get our community involved—and our affiliates are no exception.

    In the Drop Affiliate Program, you’ll unlock a whole new set of partnership opportunities to elevate your content, grow your audience, and work more closely with our team.

We appreciate your interest in working with Drop! Please note that our Influencer Manager reviews applications, so it may take some time for your application to be processed. You will receive an email with the status of your application once it has been reviewed.