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Nov 12, 2020
I’m still wondering why would anyone want to BUY anything labeled CCCP? I guess if you went to a costume party with your friend dressed as Stasi officer.. then okay (have fun by the way)! But paying hundred bucks for a joke seems like a big luxury to me.
Nov 13, 2020
Tom_BeHey people buy Harley-Davidsons too and those jokes cost way more than a hundo. (I own an Electra Glide. Which does not run. Of course.)
Nov 14, 2020
JoensuuIt is not that Harley-Davidson deliberately murdered millions of people.
Nov 14, 2020
Joensuu And everyone knows HD has thrown the greatest no-stop costume party of the pas 50 years!
Nov 14, 2020
BercelloGood point.
Nov 17, 2020
Tom_BeSome people (like myself) really enjoy Soviet era brutalism design language. I don't like the soviet union (honestly apart from the early-ish years of famine and Stalin, they were not really all that much worse than America in a lot of ways. We have our own seriously messed up history, particularly around a few hundred years of thinking black people made excellent farm equipment. At least the soviets oppressed their entire population, and not just people of a particular skin color. Equal opportunity oppression.) but I do like a lot of their style of art and design. I like the look of a lot of Nazi-germany era architecture and design too. Doesn't mean I support their horrible atrocities either.
Nov 19, 2020
HoneybadgersI do understand your point. I have absolutely no issue with people liking any kind of design language. Nonetheless, this product to me is less about the design and more about the explicit referrence to CCCP. Coming from a country that was occupied by the Soviets for decades, it’s just hard to see and accept any kind of symbolism promoting the regime.
Nov 20, 2020
Tom_BeI'm sure there are plenty of trendy idiots that think its just nifty, kinda like all the moron Che shirts.
Nov 20, 2020
Tom_BeWhat part of it is really explicitly referencing the soviet union? The logo is pretty small and the rather silly red caseback is never going to be visible to people. I mean it doesn't have a huge self portrait of stalin or hammer/sickle on the dial. To me, it looks very much like something vostok, raketa or pobeda would have made back in the day. A bit rough, very industrial/brutalist, and made from old melted down borscht cans and t34 tanks. I definitely see what you mean about having a lot more disgust for the Soviet Union having had to live under them. In a similar vein, it's how making fun of Americans and our "love of guns." when to a majority of us who have to live through dozens of school shootings a year in our country and hundreds of dead kids, it's a hell of a lot less funny and a lot more sad. Or me calling my dispatch and telling them that I'm out of service because my ambulance is "deader than Lincoln". Which is funny to me, but probably a lot less so to the people who lived it. "too soon" I guess is the context. I was one year old when the berlin wall fell, so the vast, vast majority of the cold war and its truly awful details are either foreign or completely unknown to me. Just like so many American kids today will (hopefully) never know how it felt to live in a country where just being born could prevent you from ever having health insurance and keep you and your parents bankrupt for your entire life as a result. Either way, I still like the look of the soviet era design language. I have a couple vintage soviet naval officer watches, a raketa and a pobeda, and I love them. And while I also really love the look of vintage WWII german watches too, I could definitely see a huge problem with a "homage" that had a big fat swastika on it, or a CCCP with a huge hammer and sickle.