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Aug 23, 2019
Hate to throw cold water on these straps, but if you’re considering leather, these are among the least interesting, and least imaginative straps you’re ever going to come across. Conversely, if you’re looking to spice up your life a little, go to Etsy, and search for watch straps—I promise, your head will EXPLODE! Hundreds of very creative people, offering some of the most interesting watch straps you’ve ever seen. So, if you’re looking for the Budweiser of leather straps, these have you covered. But if you’re an adventurous, craft beer kind of guy, go check out Etsy and see what you’re missing.
Da Luca
Aug 23, 2019
RayFA few years ago we started selling on this platform when Drop was called MASSdrop. This may be because of the MASSive discounts offered or that it was meant for the MASSes. Either way, we make some amazing one off products and we do it everyday and have been for over 10 years now. Those amazing one off creations would never sell enough through this platform, so we are forced by the consumer's demand (in MASSes) to offer the "Budweiser of leather straps" as you put it, so we can sell to their minimums, make enough money for Drop and some for us. We hear what you are saying, but this is how this platform works and we are forced to sell straps that are amazing, but will appeal to the MASSes (while they are always handmade with the highest quality at the forefront, backed by top notch customer service). Aside from that, these are made from some of the best leather on planet earth by a very well known tannery called "Horween" (based out of Chicago, IL). They have been doing this for over 100 years and are known to make some of the best leathers out there, including the type used here on this Drop called Chromexcel. If you want a limited barrel aged Imperial Stout then head over to our website and you might just find that in our "Custom Watch Straps" section. If you cant find what you want there, then you can always email us at and we can put together pretty much whatever your heart desires. We hope this helps and we are here in case you need any further assistance.
Aug 24, 2019
RayFI have to agree, really basic strap and just doesn't move the needle for me even if it is Horween leather. Also, why the double keeper when it's a two piece? For a slip thru makes more sense. The second keeper should've been free floating. DROP could've picked a better strap that's available from DaLuca. Varieties of colors for the manteer or lebbie would be superb.
Aug 24, 2019
DA-LUCAWell I'm sure you're a better judge of what you have sold here in the past, but you can't sell what you haven't offered (here). Seems to me you're underestimating a certain segment of the watch community--those of us with, shall we say, more exotic tastes ;- ). As for the Mass, bit, I don't know if mass-market was ever the true market, I think we're a little eclectic, a little more sophisticated, and maybe even more worldly than you give us credit. If nothing else, we get around--and you've got a lot of competition out there. Most of us are exposed to (frankly, buried in) the latest offerings everyday through various eMail campaigns, Instagram, and Youtube marketing. So I'm not saying we have no taste for the basics, but man does not live by cheese pizza alone--sometimes we're willing to splurge for a Supreme. And if you're not serving it up, somebody's going to...
Da Luca
Aug 26, 2019
RayFFor example, when we offer anything with colors and throw a basic brown/black in the mix with the color options, the fun colors barely sell, while most of the sales are for the brown/black straps. Thats just one small example of anything off the beaten path not doing well on here. If we threw a crazy yellow/black combo alligator strap with yellow stitching and yellow edge coating in the drops with other out there options we probably would have no chance of hitting the minimums on here. We would love to offer different options but the past has told us they will not work. If you want to put together a petition of people who will opt in for something like that (supreme pizza) then we can gladly help make it happen with Drop, but until then they wont let us run something like that and that stops anything we want to do in our tracks. We read every comment on here and take everything to heart as well as try to facilitate anything we can that the community wants. Since we are a smaller company we have the power to turn on a dime and make things happen in a fast manner. We hope this helps. Cheers.
Aug 26, 2019
DA-LUCAOkay, I see your point (and feel your pain). Hopefully others will read through this thread and make their opinions/thoughts known to you and those party-poopers up in MD Central Command. I suppose it's possible, but I I have a hard time believing I'm the only guy in this community who would absolutely love a "crazy yellow/black combo alligator strap with yellow stitching and yellow edge coating!" I mean christ, who wouldn't?! Meantime I'll check out your site and see how the other half lives...
Da Luca
Aug 26, 2019
RayFYou along with 4-6x other people might opt in for the supreme pizza drop, but Drop needs like 30+ for minimums and while Drops like that are different and really cool, they just wont hit the minimums they need, unless you can lead a coalition of anarchists up to the top of petition mountain and make it rain with signatures/opt ins for a supreme pizza drop! Then at that point we can rain napalm down on the town and light the night sky up in victory. Until then, we sit here waiting.....reading.....and replying.....
Aug 26, 2019
DA-LUCAI love the smell of napalm in the morning...
smells with everything on it!