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Feb 21, 2018
Seems a bit expensive for a giant keycap without a switch or base. Especially when those older NK Big Switch Keys only go for 30 clams these days (and include a switch)
eneroI mean if you take a look at normal artisans, they are typically $30-50 and have less product in them. I think this is a pretty fair price considering the time to make the molding and the amount of resin and product that actually goes in to the keycap.
Feb 22, 2018
mgsicklerI get where youre coming from, I just dont get the appeal, but thats just me. I think your giant keycaps are cute and stuff, but since there really is only one other one out there, and that one come with a switch, your really directing this new product at a very small market of buyers that already have a switch to put this one on. Unless there is a whole subsection of giant keycaps collecting that I'm unaware of. I mean to me, it seems like theres very little point in owning one of these if I didnt have a switch to display this on.
Basically, all Im saying is, I really wouldnt mind the price if it came with the switch. And I would probably buy one one if it did. It would make for a perfect DIY lamp!
Also, I'm mostly annoyed that MD displays images of your keycap with a switch and stand when theres no way of buying a switch and stand!
Feb 23, 2018
enerowell yeah, its for people who bought one or more Big Switches already. Just like keycap sets are only useful for people who own a keyboard to put them on.
If you don't have or want a big switch, this drop isn't for you, move on.
Feb 23, 2018
sevenseacatI for one would love it if giant keycaps and switches became enough of a thing that I could just move on, but its not going to happen if people dont have easy access to parts. I love the idea of these giant keycaps and switches. but I'm not gonna bite if I have to deal with these games.
eneroI think you misunderstand a couple things about the keycap and the Big Switch.
One, it’s not my keycap. It’s Idea23’s keycaps that he creates by hand.
Two, the Big Switch is made entirely separately by injection molding and is packaged with a keycap that is also made with injection molding. These are all made in Kailh’s factory - the packaging, switch, and keycap.
The reason they show the keycap with the switch is to show how the keycap fits and looks with the switch. There’s no games being played here. It’s, again, kind of like how artisans are shown on keyboards, even though they don’t come with the keyboard. And how cables are shown with keycap sets, but only come with the cable.
Hope that helps explains things. That’s the way I view it. I don’t have anything to do in part with this drop, other than that I provided Idea23 with a Big Switch.
Feb 24, 2018
eneroYou can 'move on' the big switch right now if you want -
Feb 24, 2018
sevenseacatyes, those were the switches Ive been referring to in all of my comments in this thread.
EDIT: Sorry I wrote a bigger response and then deleted it cause it was tl;dr. Yes, I am aware of that set, I didnt join the drop for them because I didnt like the caps. I dont want to have to spend another 30 bucks just for the switch. Oh, and I was quoting you when I said "move on" :P
Feb 24, 2018
mgsicklerOk, I think Im slooooowly getting it now. THIS IS AN ARTISAN KEYCAP. I guess I couldnt get past the plain-ness of it to absorb this fact. Gotcha. Well, I wish Idea23 luck with this, and to NK as well, I love the idea of these big caps and switches and hope to see more of them out there in the near future. And for the record, Im not accusing you or any artists of gaming anything. Its MD that I am accusing of pulling that BS, which we all know, they do often.
Feb 25, 2018
eneroI don't think MD is pulling anything. I also don't think a blank neon colored glow in the dark cap is what I would call plain.
Feb 25, 2018
BlueCrowned"Pulling" is just talking out of anger. Just doesnt make sense that they would show pictures of the keycap on one particular base without putting a disclaimer on the page somewhere. Its a bait and switch. I dont like it, and it seems to be their thing.
I know in this case it's to show the possibilities of what you can do with this item. But not having variety of different situations with other bases or it just being on a switch with nothing else etc, and again, not having any info regarding the base and switch not being included is very misleading.
I'm done with this thread, I dont want to be that grumpy old guy who hates art. I'm totally for this drop and others like it. I'm just getting sick of how MD handles themselves.
Now get off my lawn! :P
Feb 26, 2018
enerohow on earth is 'here's a keycap you can buy' a bait and switch? seriously? I know you've misread the description a few times now, but cmon...
Nowhere does it say that the base or switch are included, you've simply made that up. Do you complain in every keycap drop that the keyboards aren't included?
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