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Jan 24, 2020
You have got to be joking me. This is by far the most ridiculous drop I have ever come across. A fucking Pokemon fountain pen that cost $177!?!? WTF!? This has got to be the most overpriced gimmicky cash grab bullshit in history. I bet it cost not even $5 for them to produce this. You have got to be the dumbest person to even consider buying this. I wouldn't be caught dead with something as lame as this in my pocket. You must be a serious Pokemon super fan boy nerd still living in your parents basement, drooling over this, thinking of all the street cred you'll get at the next smelly anime con you'll attend to want to buy this pen. Do us all a favor and at least take a shower and use some deodorant before you go. Oh, and Drop, you guys over there must be so high off that kush and laughing all the way to the bank on this one. Lemme get some of that kush yo!
Jan 26, 2020
JediJonI own 15 of them, and I’m writing with one now to tell you you’re an insensitive jerk!
Jan 26, 2020
RayFDude, your parents called. They want you to move out of their basement. They said it's been long enough, you're pushing 40, and that it's time to spread your wings and fly. You're gonna have to learn to do your own laundry and cook your own pizza bagels. They don't care how many Pokemon collector pens you have or what level your dark elf mage is in World of Warcraft. Since they've retired it's been getting hard for them to enjoy it, especially when you keep asking them for a ride to the arcade and comic book store because you don't want to take the bus. They only want what's best for you. It's time to get out and see the real world, and not through the Pokemon Go! App. Good luck.
Jan 26, 2020
JediJonSean Penn called too: he asked me to mention Micky’s big hand is now pointing to 2020, and the only people who still call people “dude” are Beavis and Butthead. Wondering which one are you?
Jan 30, 2020
RayFFirst off, I think Sean Penn is a well versed seasoned actor and a craftsman in his field. Second, my inner grammer Nazi must point a couple things out. For starters, you used the word "people" twice in the same sentence, making it sound redundant. Then you asked "wondering which one are you" when it should of been, wondering which one you are. It makes more sense given the context in which you framed the question based on the prior statement. Also, I happen to think Beavis and Butthead was a hilariously entertaining show and that Mike Judge is a genius for creating it. I wish I could say the same for Pokémon, but unfortunately that show is some of the worst anime ever to come out of Japan. Sorry, not sorry.
Jan 30, 2020
JediJonCliche limit exceeded—conversation suspended.
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