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Meze Empyrean Planar Magnetic Headphones

Meze Empyrean Planar Magnetic Headphones

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5 Sold
Product Description
Revolution starts with collaboration. The proof is in the Empyrean: a game-changing pair of planar magnetic headphones from Meze and Rinaro Read More
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Mar 23, 2021
Do these have a microphone, or are they strictly output devices?
Mar 23, 2021
Have you EVER seen a $3k headphone with a microphone?
Mar 23, 2021
How does the Drop version of the Meze Empyrean differ from a regular pair of Meze Empyreans?
Mar 23, 2021
k186In other words, you don't actually know. You're just here griping because you can't afford them.
Mar 23, 2021
MotorradI've been eyeing a set. Why are you making assumptions about me? I'm griping about the no-warranty aspect of this and other drops not being transparent, and having been burned because of it.
Mar 23, 2021
Edmusays the guy making assumptions...
Mar 23, 2021
Mar 23, 2021
k186But you don't know for sure? You are inferring your information based on information from previous items or have you heard from customer service about this item specifically?
Mar 24, 2021
audibleIt's information about Drops in GENERAL that I received from customer service in response to an issue with a different item. Refer to Hotroder's link.
Mar 24, 2021
HotRoderXSo everyone here should first look for a help desk post about whether items have warranty before making purchases? The fact that there's a help desk post makes this all okay? Should we be cool with shelling out $3000 for headphones without a warranty? I'm done responding, and I don't understand the hostility. I was trying to make a legit buyer beware post after what happened with my IEMs, because I caught myself almost going in on these.
Mar 24, 2021
k186Wow you got it wish others would, yes anyone looking to buy a product should do there due diligence and research about the company there buying it from. This is the real world were people are accountable for there actions. In this case people should take a look at the FAQ's and Support Center to make sure they know what there getting into. Sorta like buying from Amazon, B&H Photo, direct from the manufactures, etc, etc.
Mar 24, 2021
k186If you had actually contacted MEZE instead of spraying you idiocy everywhere: "Hi Mr.xxxxxx, Thank you for contacting us. Yes, we offer a 2-year warranty for all Empyreans purchased through If you have any more questions, please let us know. Regards, Vlad" Now kindly STFU.
Mar 24, 2021
HotRoderXHere's your "due diligence", genius: "Hi Mr.xxxxxx, Thank you for contacting us. Yes, we offer a 2-year warranty for all Empyreans purchased through If you have any more questions, please let us know. Regards, Vlad"
Mar 24, 2021
audibleHow is it idiocy. Drop's stated "policy" is selectively and inconsistently applied. This time mfg. Warranty is included. Great! It wasn't mentioned anywhere in the drop like it should have been according to Drop policy. Hard to rely on, but at least you got your answer. In my case mfg. would not honor warranty for item bought through drop. Sounds like a crap shoot. Drop the hostility. Why are people here so emotionally invested. Sound like shills or drop employees to me. Clearly this is an issue experienced by some significant portion of the customer base. Edit: JUST LOOK AT THIS THREAD. Some people defending Drop saying the policy is clear about no warranty so deal with it. You who had to contact the manufacturer directly to confirm. I had to contact drop and the manufacturer to get denied warranty on both fronts. This is obviously a problem when the answer was unclear for so long.
Mar 24, 2021
k186Hostility? pfft. don't be such a hypocrite. you were the one who started it by spraying your misinformation all over the place in a particularly hostile and ignorant manner. you're just upset because you are wrong and I am calling you out on it. you did not have any direct and specific information from drop; you only had vague assumptions stitched together from vague policies and yet that was enough for you to go spraying it all over the drop forums. doesn't sound like schills to me, just sounds like people who hate uninformed dumbasses who spread misinformation. now you're trying to push it off on everybody else, like everybody else is so emotionally involved blah blah blah...the fact is: you made assumptions, you were wrong, you are an idiot. The end. Get TF over yourself.
Mar 24, 2021
k186"Drop the hostility. Why are people here so emotionally invested. Sound like shills or drop employees to me. Clearly this is an issue experienced by some significant portion of the customer base." In denial of your own hostility? You are the one "emotionally invested". So anyone who proves you wrong - having correctly suspected that you were talking out of your ass - is a shill? This is NOT 'CLEARLY an issue experienced by some significant portion of the customer base'. ...clearly. You just got caught being all the things you're accusing others of you're doubling down...and we're taking the piss. " This is obviously a problem when the answer was unclear for so long." But it wasn't unclear. Maybe to you, but look at how you process information...therein lies the fault. Quit trying to blame others for your own shortcomings...a theme for you? Meze honors their warranty on their other products, why wouldn't they on this one? Half of the uniformed whiners around here are complaining that drop has sold out and is no longer the drop that they think that they deserve and the other uniformed half are whining that drop is a fly-by-night company trying to rip them off. What's the common theme? Uninformed whiners. (that's you!)
Mar 24, 2021
audibleI am proud of you, you went the extra mile. I bet you feel accomplished now. Still doesn't negate what the FAQ's say about warranty, but honestly its ok what matters is you feel excited and got some internet points!
Mar 24, 2021
HotRoderXHA! Good to see that sometimes people can be even worse losers than I am a winner. I accept your concession. Shouldn't you be over in Mechanical Keyboards pontificating about kitty paw artisan keycaps? LOL
Mar 23, 2021
The only difference I can think of is the Drop reward points, which can be put into an amp on the site.
Mar 24, 2021
No difference. SAME warranty.
Mar 23, 2021
Do these come with the 2 year manufacturer's warranty? In other words, is Drop a Meze audio authorized dealer?
Mar 29, 2021
Ok apparently this has been addressed in the Discussion section. Meze says they come with the warranty. @Drop I don't understand why you wouldn't mention this in the details of this product.

Apr 4, 2021
What's the point buying at full retail? I'll wait until there's a decent 40% discount, what the merchant makes on each sale.
Sep 14, 2021
good luck with that! enjoy the 30 year wait. Headphones do not depreciate in value, and Meze knows it
Mar 23, 2021
Lately, I don't get it. Does Drop became a regular shop ? The same price at Meze with their warranty. Yes, you pay a little more for customs, etc... but for someone who can afford 3000...
Dec 2, 2021
It depends on who is running the company this week. It could change at any moment.