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They don’t work one side doesn’t work irritating and not a response yet!


Jan 18, 2021
I guess you should keep after them. If you're not getting timely, or any, for that matter responses from drop, maybe try to shame them publicly? I got rid of facebook five years ago, but I imagine they have a page there. Drop a few lines about crummy service from drop on their facebook page and you may get the response you should've already gotten. Good luck dude.
Jan 18, 2021
lol thanks I’m still upset about them canceling my Christmas gift a week before Christmas a couple years ago and I don’t let them forget it either. It took a dozen days to get here and then they were faulty I won’t let up!
Jan 18, 2021
Gregcan Yep that would hack me off, for sure. I really like the community that has gathered here, but not necessarily the company any more. I joined right before they changed the name from massdrop to just drop. If you look at the new logo they came up with, you'll see they literally cut the corner off, which really, seems like fair warning lol. Back to the people though, I've learned a lot during my time here, enough to know I'll never have enough money/wherewithal to afford the sound that I really want. Bottom line is the users here seem to know more about audio than drop does. So, come for the nice pictures, stay for audiophilia lessons in the comments. Now that's not to say there aren't a few jerks here cuz there most assuredly are. Most are very cool though. I started out with the Massdrop x Sennheiser HD 6XX headphones and then started to chase that 'ultimate sound' ;-) **click on the dolphin by my name to see what I've built, if you're interested**
Jan 17, 2021
I had to wait weeks to find out it’s defective and I can’t get anyone to respond and it is almost a week later! Second strike on drop! They canceled my Christmas gifts at the last minute!
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