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Sep 15, 2018
Hey, thanks for the LED configurator release, it's already quite nice!
Some suggestions however: 1. Add a way to rearrange layers (important) 2. Add a way to remove custom colors 3. Color the default color options accordingly so it's easier to visualize 4. Add a way to download generated sources instead of the compiled binary 5. Add a way to export and import configuration presets 6. Add a way to remove created presets 7. Add a way to select multiple LEDs using a rectangle selection 8. Write up some documentation 9. Maybe encode the hard-coded default LED layer options in the configurator instead of this being a separate thing, which is confusing 10. Add "transparent" LED option (similar to how the layer system works), so only select LEDs are changed from lower layers 11. Add the three missing special keys (n-key rollover toggle etc.) 12. The 3 inner edge LEDs on the right side are vertically inverted: as you can see I had to invert the order of the colors here to make it actually match the left side after flashing

EDIT: I figured out the bug in the configurator: if you attempt to set a LED on a layer above a layer that you didn't attempt to set a LED on previously (let's say you have LEDs on layer 3, create layer 4 and 5 and then attempt to set LEDs on layer 5 directly) the configurator crashes.
Sep 15, 2018
cryzedGreat list of suggestions (especially #4. If we could get #4, I'd hack my way to victory)
I'd also like to add "set default brightness". Doesn't need to be for all schemes, just so I'm not blinded when I reset my board.
Sep 16, 2018
LastContinueYou can just download the QMK source and "hack your way to victory" regardless. should be the lastest variant.
Sep 16, 2018
DarkMioThanks, but for what I was curious about (not that there's not already tons of stuff to learn about in the rest of QMK) , is actually newer. Seems they've stubbed out some code for setting individual LEDs works, however there's quite a bit of code (and it seems that the "business end of it" is commented out, so does it actually work? 🤷‍♂️), so I'd like to see a "You did this, and this happened" type of result. 😄
Edit: Okay, you inspired me, I pulled down that fork un-commented that block and compiled. It did not work. 2 bugs (super easy to fix, I'm sure will be fixed before merged into QMK proper) . Here's the result:
The F1 and F3 cycle through colors, and 1 changes colors if you fn+d/fn+a. I'd post a video, but if anybody is curious, you'd be better off just building it yourself (worth 100 videos).
Bugs in question are on lines and respectively (change .id to .id0, I'm guessing. I have no idea what id's map to which keys 🤷‍♂️)
Sep 16, 2018
LastContinueThe LED map is located in this file:
According to the comment, the IDs should match with the LED labels on the back of the PCB which can be found by taking off the back plate of the keyboard.
Sep 16, 2018
sky589>LED labels on the back of the PCB which can be found by taking off the back plate of the keyboard.
I knew buying 2 of these would come in handy 😉
I'll dig around and see what I can find.
Sep 16, 2018
DarkMioWow, lots to sift through. Thanks!🙇‍♂️
(I might try to make a chart or spreadsheet or something if I can make any definitive progress)
Sep 17, 2018
DarkMioOh man, I wish I would have saw this before I made this. Would have saved me some legwork taking my board apart and squinting 😅
Here's what I spent my afternoon on. After I finally figured out what those magic numbers meant, I made something to help me along.
Using that and the stubbed out code from above, I was able to completely recreate what I did via the Web Configurator.
(So basically it was the perfect mechanical keyboard project. Lots of time and effort spent for something that's already been done 😉)
Sep 17, 2018
LastContinueHow do i tell a key to be X color in the files? I haven't got a clue how their code works.
Sep 17, 2018
Eagle1337Can you give me a "for instance?"
(I screwed up my repo or I'd just push up my work from this afternoon, and it would become pretty clear)
Firstly, you'll need to make sure you're working against MD's fork of QMK, and the file we'll want to look at is
Like lets say I want All of my keys to be blue, the glow to be orangi-sh, but the escape key to be purple. Using my sheet, I know that the code for all of the letter keys is
.id0 = 4294967295, .id1 = 4294967295, .id2 = 16777215
however, I don't want to the "escape key" in there. Again, using my sheet, I know that it's value is 2 and it's in array id0, so the line of code that will give you the blue letters will be (4294967295 - 2 = 4294967293)
{ .flags = LED_FLAG_MATCH_ID | LED_FLAG_USE_RGB, .id0 = 4294967293, .id1 = 4294967295, .id2 = 16777215, .r = 0, .g = 201, .b = 255 },
The orange underglow will be { .flags = LED_FLAG_MATCH_ID | LED_FLAG_USE_RGB, .id2 = 4278190080, .id3 = 1073741823, .r = 255, .g = 187, .b = 0 },
Now, for the purple.
We know from the sheet, escape's value is 2, in id0, so it's code will look like
{ .flags = LED_FLAG_MATCH_ID | LED_FLAG_USE_RGB, .id0 = 2, .r = 197, .g = 9, .b = 213 },
So putting it all together: { .flags = LED_FLAG_MATCH_ID | LED_FLAG_USE_RGB, .id0 = 4294967295, .id1 = 4294967295, .id2 = 16777215, .r = 0, .g = 201, .b = 255 }, { .flags = LED_FLAG_MATCH_ID | LED_FLAG_USE_RGB, .id2 = 4278190080, .id3 = 1073741823, .r = 255, .g = 187, .b = 0 }, { .flags = LED_FLAG_MATCH_ID | LED_FLAG_USE_RGB, .id0 = 2, .r = 197, .g = 9, .b = 213 },
There's still a lot more things I still haven't figured out, such as all of the features you can do with the mapping, but that was about all my 🧠 could handle today.
(I'm guessing you know that r, g, b = rbg right? You can just use a Hex to rgb converter online for colors. There's like a zillion of them. I don't want to be patronizing 😅)
Sep 17, 2018
LastContinueyeah, I didn't even know where to put the code, also can you do it per layer?
Sep 17, 2018
Eagle1337Yes you can!
You can see there's a `.layer` attribute passed in there (although in that example it's used with patterns and what not, but the important part is `.layer = X`)
I did this { .flags = LED_FLAG_MATCH_ID | LED_FLAG_MATCH_LAYER | LED_FLAG_USE_RGB, .id0 = 2, .layer = 1, .r = 197, .g = 9, .b = 213 }, for when I press the fn key! Neat effect I thought.
Sep 17, 2018
LastContinueand this goesi n the keymap file right?
Sep 17, 2018
Just keep the commented lines commented out, and put your own stuff in! the `{ .end = 1 }` is important though! 👨‍🏫
Sep 17, 2018
Sep 17, 2018
LastContinueI'm just gonna scroll through this thread and upvote your comments where ever I see them, bc contributors are awesome :) I hope you don't mind that I really hope Massdrop incorporates your work. I haven't bothered with qmk before, but I might now
Sep 17, 2018
jdamourGlad I can help.
I've only scratched the surface of QMK, but it's fun to play around with!
I got started probably a year ago (on a kit keyboard), and even since then, the installation of the toolchain needed to compile and load code has gotten much better. *
(for Mac users. If you're on Windows, I have no idea how that even works)
Sep 18, 2018
LastContinueI've got it working, There's a way to add more flags and call different effects, But i haven't had much luck that way.
Sep 18, 2018
Eagle1337🎉 Great job!
I used { .flags = LED_FLAG_MATCH_ID | LED_FLAG_USE_PATTERN, .id0 = 65536, .pattern_id = 2 } to give my "pause" key the rainbow scroll effect (Rainbow Scroll is set as the 3rd item in my list, so [2] in my led_programs.c) 🌈
You can use { .flags = LED_FLAG_MATCH_ID | LED_FLAG_USE_ROTATE_PATTERN, .id0 = X, .id1 = Y}, To make those keys act like the "default" (original firmware) way of only using the patterns defined in led_programs.c, so you can use fn+a, fn+d to change patterns. 😄
(again, I hope I'm not patronizing you, Good luck with the rest of your exploring)
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