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Nov 23, 2017
Any chance of one of these becomming available *without* leather? I don't purchase any products that has caused death or animal suffering.
Nov 23, 2017
DomaldelWhat blog post are you guys coming from? These aren't custom ordered for any purchase.
Nov 24, 2017
DomaldelWhat do you mean?
DomaldelTough luck. Plus, the greatest respect we can give an animal after we kill it is by utilizing every bit of it and not letting any of it go to waste.
Nov 24, 2017
YakovI simply found a review of this thing with a link to massdrop, then I noticed the leather... Simply dissapointed that its there as that makes the headset a non-option for me.
Nov 24, 2017
cca310I do not purchase products made of leather among other things. If you look at the thing on top that rests against your head when wearing this thing you'll notice that it's apparently leather. And that's not a option for me. Just like I do not purchase meat or products tested on animals.
Nov 24, 2017
Ares78Or you know, we could refrain from paying the people killing the animal in the first place. ;-) I do not purchase or use *any* products that contains anything that requires the death of an animal. Regardless of how small amounts are involved. If you choose to do otherwise by all means. But I've made a different choice.
DomaldelWell sorry to hear, best to ditch most of modern pharmaceuticals and live off of roots and herbs. Good luck.
Nov 24, 2017
Ares78Actually, there's quite a few vegan products out there. But yes, it does require me to call or mail most pharmaceutical companies before I can purchase their products to check what origin their products have. And I also try to use products approved by the various vegetarian societies around the world in such cases. Here's my nutritional supplements for instance: It's expensive to import them to my country, but beats eating something I don't know the origin of. But regarding medicine:
Anyway, no need to be sorry about my choice. =) Also me and those who make similar choices help you and others get more products that's better for the enviroment and the life on it even if you do not make the same choices. ;-)
Dec 3, 2017
DomaldelYour comments reek of smug superiority.
Dec 4, 2017
wildcardNPAnd those of the above meat eaters doesn't? I've picked what I feel is important for me. Others make different choices, fighting against torture and other human rights abuses, fighting poverty etc. For me it's animal rights and to a lesser degree the environment that I care about. Quite frankly it's offensive when someone says they're "sorry" for me because I'm a vegetarian. And suggesting that we don't care about animals because we don't use the leather (when we don't eat the meat either)... It's not so much arrogance as annoyance at the above meat eaters attitude that you're seeing. They're quite frankly patronizing. The above responses from me beats confronting them about it though I feel. *shrugs*
PS. I think asking if these headsets will be made available without leather too at some point is a legitimate question.
Dec 4, 2017
DomaldelI'm not trying to insult or argue with you. I'm telling you why you're getting the reaction you're getting. Food for thought, that's all. I wish you well.
Dec 4, 2017
wildcardNPVery well, thanks for what I guess is constructive criticism. How would you rephrase the above sentences from me to get through the same message without this "reek of smug superiority" if I may ask?
Dec 4, 2017
DomaldelYou could have gotten by with "Are there non-leather options for the earcups?" and after that stuck to the topic of the headphones, instead of launching into other vegan topics. It comes across as rather preachy. Also, there's nothing wrong with it at all - just explaining the reaction you got.
Dec 5, 2017
wildcardNPThere are non-leather earcups, it's the headband that's leather as far as I can tell. And perhaps I can improve. That said, that doesn't explain the first three replies I got... How would you reply to for instance "Ares78"? While some might feel that the most possible use of what's left of the corpse is the best route to go it's clearly not an acceptable option for all of us.
DomaldelYou want to know why I replied in such fashion? It's because you just had to add "I don't purchase any products that has caused death or animal suffering." as if you're above killing, above the rest of us primitive savages who'd slaughter a cow, eat it raw, and bathe in its blood. You just had to make it all about this moral high ground you stand on rather than about getting non-leather headphones.
Dec 5, 2017
DomaldelHope you don't eat any mecahically harvested produce... Or use any natural textiles... But the again the entire petroleum industry has blood on its hands, so no plastic either...
Dec 6, 2017
Ares78I LOVE to bathe in cow blood, keeps me looking young.
BlueCrownedI prefer the blood of a shark, its ancient unchanged near perfect genetics makes me stronger everyday.
Dec 28, 2017
DomaldelI wonder if I could get more leather on these headphones hmm...
Dec 28, 2017
Ares78I said that because it *is* more then a preference, but a ethical choice representing my life stances and world views and not just vanity or some such. I said that because I needed the people behind this product to see this more then just a preference of some entitled kid and rather a choice that I and others in my market segment take *very* serious. Where shape or texture, colour and material longevity is not then main concerns. As an atheist I have to deal with people who are nice and all but that are convinced that I'll end up in hell because I don't believe in their God. They don't mean any harm nor do they think that they are "better" then me pr say they just hold fundamentallydifferent beliefs and are genuinely concerned about me. Likewise I *do* believe that killing animals or using products requiring aid deaths are wrong. You decided yourself to interpret that as me taking "a moral high ground". And that bothering you might indicate that it struck a nerve because it might have hit a bit too close to home. There's a ton of choices we make every day in our lives that both have good and bad consequences. I'm not claiming some kind of saintly life, I sin as much as the next guy. But not supporting the most direct causes of animal suffering and death is the one cause that I've picked as my my main concern. If you have thought about your choices and feel that you can live with them then great. =) The point here is that the comment wasn't aimed ad you or anyone else in the comment field but at the company behind this product. This isn't about me preaching that you received the others here should change. But about *needing* to get across to the developers of those product that there's choices they've details that not only are things some of us would refer not to have on our products but that 100% excludes it from consideration for us for better and worse. And honestly, a non-leather product might actually be cheaper to produce too (except for the retooling) due to the cost of buying and processing the materials involved.
Dec 28, 2017
linerrorSorry? And what's your logic for that? For the record I'm not a Jain although I share some of their values. If your argument is that plants also suffer then that's a long debate of its own. But the short version is that they've evolved based on a strategy where losing parts of themselves isn't as severe as it would have been for say a mammal and that in any case there's always plenty of plant lives lost in the process of creating, nurturing and then finally ending an animal one. More so then when using products made from those plants directly regardless of how much or little suffering they may have suffered in the process. Using plants directly also makes more sense from an environmental perspective as far as I can see...
Dec 28, 2017
BlueCrownedGood for you! And cow blood can even be "harvested" without killing the cow! ;-) (The Masai warriors only rarely kill their cows preferring other things they can get from their cows in non-lethal ways like blood and milk)
Dec 28, 2017
AnsrokashQuite possibly I'm guessing. That said. I *do* wonder how you'd like to argue that case for them. ;-)
Dec 29, 2017
Domaldel "I don't purchase any products that has caused death or animal suffering. " -- Domaldel
funny how you mentioned the leather, but left out the plastic...
Dec 29, 2017
DomaldelWhy argue? I'm a consumer. I want an all leather couch ? Done. Leather belt, jacket, boots, seats in my car. Got it.
I could like leather.
Dec 30, 2017
AnsrokashAll I can say is good luck.
Dec 30, 2017
linerrorIs your argument that the oil was once animals or some such? I do differentiate between zooplankton and algea (what the oil for the most part is made from) and larger organisms. While I *try* not to harm small organisms either (I do actively try not to step on ants for instance) the organisms that's so small that I can't even see them are just everywhere and it's not humanly possible to avoid them in the water we drink and food we eat. Even with distilled water you'd *still* be killing them in the thousands or even millions in the process of boiling the water to destil it... Also the oil is made from plankton that died naturallya long, long time ago, they where not murdered by humans as we quitend frankly hadn't even evolved yet.
I'm not going to have a bad consciousness about those.
As for animals harmed during the extraction process, I do my best to keep the oil companies accountable for that and do work towards ending the search for oil in my own country.
That said plastic can be made with oil that's created from plants too (once we're rid of the fossil oil) and while we do have fossil oils I'd much rather have them make up plastic products then be burned and ruin our atmosphere.
Dec 30, 2017
DomaldelNo I was simply speaking that the harvesting, distribution and refining of said oil into plastic has a measurable detrimental effect to the environment and the the ecosystem as well as the wildlife. But please continue to do your best to hold the oil companies accountable...
DomaldelSome 3 million years of evolution and this happens. We’re omnivores, deal with it. Nothing I say on this month old thread will change anything so please stop, no one cares.
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