BiffsBizThat’s not a lot of money for a good speaker. You can’t equal or even come close to the performance of this speaker for less And this speaker cannot equal or come close to the best $1000, $2000, etc. Speakers. You get what you pay for. While there are overpriced audiophile speakers on the market, these aren’t one of them.
MJPoes“You can’t equal or even come close to the performance of this speaker for less...”
I can’t help but think that a speaker like the Klipsch RP-160M, for example, would match up very well with a speaker this small - and for roughly the same money.
Major_InfidelSo first let me preface this by mentioning my credentials for saying this. I’m a professional speaker reviewer and have heard and even measured many of these speakers including the Klipsch and a larger version of this Amphion. I also Heard this Amphion at AXPONA.
Thhis is a better speaker in terms of refinement. It won’t match the Klipsch in loudness or bass extension. However it has better quality drivers (a lot better), a more refined crossover, and it’s polar response is a lot better behaved. It is my opinion that it’s also a more neutral and better sounding speaker. I’ve been really impression with most of the Amphion speakers. I’m a fan of their work.
I myself am guilty of typing too fast at times and my grammar and spelling go to hell.
Is this the case here with your comments?
Also, if you are a professional reviewer, is this the right forum for you to be making comments? It is a genuine question.
Kind Regards
coolerkingYes this is correct i type on my phone quickly and my grammar, spelling, and apples predictive text goes to hell. Being a speaker reviewer means technical knowledge. I’ll readily admit my typing isn’t the best. That’s why I have an editor (and spend a ton of time rewriting my reviews).
Why is it a problem for me to comment on a speaker On this forum. I think it is my duty to educate and inform my readers, whatever the audience. I have a unique perspective on both good sound (for which there is a science) and the market as a whole. I know whats available, at what price, and how it performs. If I know what the ideal speaker should Behave like and the relative importance of each dimension of performance, then I can also know which speakers offer the best performance for the money. Further, what it costs to buy a speaker that is good enough to be freely high end.
MJPoesI did not intend to indicate that it was a problem. It was simply a question. I had not thought about it, I thought I'd ask. I had never seen anyone claim they were a reviewer outright.
It is helpful to relay what you thought when you heard these at Axponia. I wish some more folks would do so, I am curious.
If you review these speakers, be sure to post a link to it :~)
coolerkingI think most don’t hang around places like this. Some hide who they are using a handle different from their name. Some, like myself, think that is dishonest. People shoupd know where we are coming from.