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Jun 20, 2019
where is this watch made?
Jun 21, 2019
Jun 21, 2019
Pdropi believe the watches are all assembled in Greece (Europe) by a great watch maker. As far a parts all the Swiss brands manufacture their components in China which is at avangard at this stage. The movement is also modified AAA grade and as i have the Magnum skull it keeps time better than my Rolex.
Jun 21, 2019
PalakabearSome components italy, some Japan, some China, assembled and Qc'd in Greece by a certified watch maker.
Jun 21, 2019
sbaldieriIf China is involved in any way it is a deal breaker for me. Don't need China involved in any stage of my watch or anything else I would own.
Jun 21, 2019
PalakabearThen you better power off and throw away the device you typed this from.
Jun 21, 2019
PalakabearCan you elaborate on a reason for drawing such a hard line? You don’t want to own anything that China has any role in producing in any of your future purchases? A hard line that can’t be achieved without great difficulty should require a thoughtful justification because it will take considerable effort to even attempt to achieve your goal—I’m curious what strong motive will serve to power your attempt at such a feat? Or are you just using words with no intention to carry through—like what a troll would do?
Jun 22, 2019
lobsterI don't agree with the name calling above, but the Chinese government (not the people) is truly evil. And in so many areas. They routinely arrest political dissidents, journalists and even business leaders, many of whom disappear. Add to that their aggressive encroachment into international territory (e.g., building military bases on what were coral reefs); tolerance of animal abuse (e.g., dog meat and bear liver) and trade in endangered species; their 1984-level surveillance, registration and social (read political) ranking of their citizens; segregation and oppression of minorities like Uighurs; global empire building from Africa to SE Asia; and most recently their push to retake the free and vibrant democracy Hong Kong, via proposed extraditions. It's a lot like Nazi Germany in the 30s, when the Final Solution was still a few years from implementation. You're right that it's almost impossible to boycott China 100%, but it's not as hard as you might think. My Moto phone is probably the only China- made item I've bought in the last 3 years. I realize my lost business is a drop in the bucket, but at least I know I'm not funding these atrocities. If more people do the same, it will make a difference in time.
Jun 22, 2019
PalakabearI wouldn't call that a thoughtful justification. *waiting for infantile tirade insulting my manhood*
Jun 22, 2019
JohnnyCreditWell done Johnny. You put it out there much better than I did. Let's not forget also forced organ harvesting for decades on innocent men, women and children that happen to belong to a religious sect the government does not agree with. Again, well done Johnny.
Jun 22, 2019
JAZONGYou're not worth the effort Jazong. You're just a troll stirring the pot.
Jun 22, 2019
PalakabearYou don’t appear to be a nice person, but since you asked and made assumptions about me, I will answer your inquiries. I’m a Chinese American born in the USA and I have lived here my whole life. My parents immigrated from Hong Kong to Canada and then to the USA. I’m not a snowflake liberal as I live in a southern state and believe in the second amendment, carry ccw and own 25 guns and 4 suppressors. I support the sale of weapons designed to be purely weapons on mass drop despite the unpopularity of this position. I’ve been to China once, and Hong Kong several times when it was still under British control. China is now more of a Wild West capitalist economy than the USA is now. The opportunities to create a business and manufacture a commodity exists in China now the way they existed in the USA a hundred years ago. That’s not evil or pure communism despite what the government still calls itself to maintain face. The government is evil in many ways, and like the right to protect oneself, I believe strongly in the right of free speech, freedom from being spied upon by my own government, and freedom to scrutinize the leadership and maintain sovereignty over my house and possessions at all costs. So no I’m not a snow flake liberal. But I don’t conflate the notion of purchasing something which has some components made in China, some components made in Japan, assembled by a person in Greece and marketed and sold by a man who appears to live in LA, with the support of the Chinese government. Helping a person earn a living, even if they happen to live in China is not the same as supporting the Chinese government. You accuse me of having a shallow mind, and while a physician may not have the brightest mind, I am educated enough to understand the importance of using accurate and precise words when discussing any topic. I called you out on your ideal of avoiding anything made by China or having anything to do with China because I wanted to understand 1. How you would accomplish this. 2. What would so strongly motivate you to make this commitment. I was hoping for a nuanced response, but I think I do understand the principle of disliking a government so much that you would completely severe yourself from anything that has to do with 20% of the worlds population. I don’t support the the government in China either. I actually protested the Tiananmen Square massacre in the late 80s. But I don’t go so far as to make hardline comments that I cannot actually back up with my action. It is the acceptance of capitalism, free market principles and the democratic ethics, albeit under the veil of communist leadership that will slowly but ultimately change China into a more ideal and humane place.
Jun 22, 2019
lobsterMuch respect to anyone who protested in Tianenmen Square. Hope my explanation of my choice to boycott China made some sense to you. I realize it's more a stand on principle than an act that by itself will make a difference -- but then the same is true of voting: No single vote changes anything, but each single vote means everything as a collective.
Jun 22, 2019
lobsterOne can only hope...
Sep 28, 2020
PalakabearUSA all the way, why can’t DROP get more domestic product for us?