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My Tumbled Armor arrived a few days ago. Love it. Saved a bit as these are quite expensive in AU. Just something to note, the tumbled finish does wear. My pockets have started to actually polish parts to a shine. I guess this is to be expected and even a bonus to some who want a faux aged Zippo. So tempted to grab another. I don't smoke, I just love simple US designs that just work.
Apr 24, 2015
craingerThe brushed brass finish wears quickly as well. I bought the 1941 replica on Amazon literally 2 days before this drop happened (sad face) and it already has several spots that have been "polished" by rubbing up against things in my pocket. You can "restore" the tumbled or brushed finish using a bit of light/medium grit sandpaper. For brushed just move the lighter back and forth over the sand paper in the direction of the original brush marks, for tumbled lighters just move them lightly around the sandpaper using a random twisting motion.