Sounds a lot better, liver, and warmer than plugging straight into my phones headphone jack. Especially with great closed back headphones. full frequency response is good.
AnnoyingSporeI have owned a Bravo V2 since April 2014, and I use it almost daily, driven directly from my Surface Pro. Sometimes, I use a Dragonfly as a DAC in the chain, but I do not notice much of an improvement with that addition. I replaced the tube with a Genalex Gold Lion in March 2017, and I am very happy with the result. (I had tried an Electro-Harmonix in 2015, but I did not like it as much.) I use it with all kinds of headphones, both open (e.g., HD6XX, HE400i, Beyerdynamic DT880-250) and closed (e.g., Beyerdynamic DT250-250, Denon AH-D1200, CAL!), and I have never felt the need for more power. The pairing with the CAL! at low volume is especially good (euphonic) for low-quality streaming audio. The only issue is that at low volumes, there is a noticeable channel imbalance, and therefore you need to lower the volume on your source if you like to listen at low volume, especially with sensitive headphones. I recommend the Bravo V2 strongly.
MarcoGVI just got the Denon AH-D1200 too . Lots if potential, weird sound signature, a darker hp but I feel this weird pressure/pain in my ears. What do you think of it.