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280 requests
Product Description
Creating the Ara IEM, Campfire Audio was determined to remind listeners why earphones can be so much fun. Thanks to a carefully engineered “crossover-less” design and high-performing components, the message comes through loud and clear Read More
Dear drop, stop doing limited time on items. By the time i have the time to buy anything its gone. These say 7 days left. When i need only a month or so to buy them. Theres over a dozen items in interested in then bam there gone when i have the money. I do not like that at all.
Seven days is too long (some of this stuff wouldn't sell in seven weeks).
Sounds like the real issue is your money (you don't seem to have much).
Most of the stuff on this site really isn't necessary, and you're liable to outgrow it all in a a few short years anyway.
My advise: don't be so eager to give your money away to strangers--it could be why you're short
It's "technically" $155 off since Drop gives reward points equivalent to that amount. This is only useful if you're going to buy from Drop in the future, otherwise there is no discount whatsoever.