I have owned this watch for a bit. I have an 8 " wrist and the watch is still on the original strap ( a dark brown number) which I think is nicer than the one shown. It is done up to the second or third hole , depending on temperature. Hope that helps.
nemo196No, retired and comfortable too.
Supplementing welfare and food stamp checks by standing on street corners with cleverly written cardboard signs.
Cleared an extra $73k last year with that gig.
Today's sign is going to read:
"Nemo186 wears 52.5mm Invictas with snakes on them--will work for 55s"
RayFThis is good. Because it will take you away from trolling people online and give you something productive to do with you sad, pathetic. miserable life.
nemo196Sorry nemo, didn't quite follow your comment! All I can say is if you don't like Drop then don't be part of the community. Sure Rayf can rattle some cages;but he is only messing. And most people are just having fun. I don't have 37 watches , I would not have time to wear them all, maybe you just have very restless arms! Oh ! and it sounds like a lot of money; shame that doesn't reflect your "modesty".