This is terrible news! Can you get a refund? Do you believe you were sold a defective blade?
Please anyone that has used this sword as part of this order of 97 post any results of cutting tests and durability. I have noticed some defects with mine and will be making a complaint.
thelastnoobHey man, any word on the sword issue? Knowing what I know about Cold Steel this is surprising - to say the least. The company is well known for producing high quality stuff and, as I understand it, excellent warranty; did you contact them directly or just handle it via Massdrop? While I am certain that they (MD or CS) resolved the faulty product, what really concerns me is that such a result would occur during staggeringly light use! I mean, effing bamboo broke a sword BLADE?!?! ..even one of those shite Chinese jobs would've withstood bamboo...Id EXPECT a Chinese sword to break during use, but even still, I would expect it to break at the handle or to have the hand guard pop off or something - not the blade to break in half - and that is my expectation of cheap import crap?!
Moreover, a proper katana is made by layering varying strengths metal on one another which combines to give a malleable inner layer for the edge, and then progressively stronger layers as it goes outward. Since you can see the innards of the sword, are you able to tell whether they are using the traditional method - or some variation thereof - or is this just a mass-production corner cutting hackjob, pushing the product on the perexisting good name of Cold Steel? Based on the demo video I dont think anyone saw this coming. This development definitely gives me pause - I mean, if 15 bamboo stalks is enuff to break this, how is this supposed to withstand the rigors of a zombie apocalypse for christ sake?!!? hahahaha. For real though, this product is marketed and sold as functioning tool, NOT a decorative wallmount.
Let us know what you found. Thanks bro.