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Mar 31, 2017
Companies need to stop putting crappy speaker phones into these speakers. The mics are never good enough to pick up your voice for things like Siri, and the quality of voice is never as good as the multiple mics that most new phones have built in. When I'm on the other side of the room, and my phone is in my pocket. I don't want to have to use a device in the next room I happened to be listening to music earlier. Stop putting telephone speakers in these things, or make a way to disable the mic.
Also, companies need to make these with replaceable batteries. I have a few speakers that I now can only use when plugged into power because the batteries are worn out. And the only way to replace them would be to take a dremel tool to them and split them apart. Which would mean they're no longer waterproof, and opening the box would probably also kill the bass response of the speaker. If this one can have it's battery replaced I'd consider it.
Mar 31, 2017
Mar 31, 2017
SteveFeinsteinThat's how they make huge money off these things. Shove a shitty speakerphone inside a plastic box, tie in a cheap SOC that has a bluetooth module and DAC and you are good to go.
Mar 31, 2017
Apr 1, 2017
SteveFeinsteinYeah! All of that!
Apr 1, 2017
Apr 2, 2017
SteveFeinsteinThanks for these comments. I don't use my 1s ever to make calls. It's a speaker for me and, as a speaker, is the best-bang-for-my-buck speaker I've ever owned. I primarily use the speaker when I'm riding my road bike. It's never lost connection, even at 50mph going downhill. I have the speaker strapped into my framebag and my phone is in my jersey. That's pretty dope as far as I'm concerned.
On a side-note, you write well and I've read several of your comments around MD and they're always thoughtful and informative. We could use you as a major resource on MD, why do you keep your drops and posts private? I'd like to see the other things you have to say because I've learned from you, no lie. Thanks bro, have a good one.
Apr 2, 2017
Apr 4, 2017
SteveFeinstein> Companies need to stop putting crappy speaker phones into these speakers.
In recent android versions, you can go into bluetooth settings for the individual device, and specify whether you want it to do phone audio or media audio or both. Just turn off the "phone audio" for the speaker, and never worry about it again.
Replaceable batteries - I wish! Many products are following Apple's example with phone batteries. Planned obsolescence. It is almost OK if the products are progressing so rapidly that a 2-year-old device is dramatically worse than a new device, but speakers aren't changing that much...
Apr 4, 2017
Apr 4, 2017
kbwrotethisThat's a good tip. Not using android though. On iOS you can start siri, then stop it without dismissing the siri screen, and in the lower right there's a bluetooth button that will let you select the iPhone as your mic input for Siri, though it seems to affect other apps too. It's a one off though and it doesn't survive a reconnect of any bluetooth devices. I have a bluetooth music gateway from Blackberry that doesn' t have a mic, and it works Exactly the way you'd expect. The phone keeps listing with it's great mics, and music comes out of the car stereo.
Apr 4, 2017
Apr 10, 2017
SteveFeinsteinThats on the phone side that you will decide if the divice should only be used for calls or media , or both...
Apr 10, 2017
Apr 10, 2017
ohlyverPerhaps, but not iOS. Perhaps Apple should do this, but fact is they don't. Also, there's no reason a speaker has to have a Mic. It causes more problems than it solves for many people. Enough people that it's time the designers of these things start accommodating the need of this large userbase.
Apr 10, 2017
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