CONINI am planning so, yes - in case you'd like to suggest specific novelties (and even more tweaks) please share some of your ideas with me here as well, thanks a lot in advance!
Is there ANY chance of a re-work or 40's child-kit with 3/4-key support appearing at some point? Why the sudden decision to go back to no spacebars add-on?
Is there any word on when Gen2 is going to drop? These are my favourite keycaps of all time, and I would hate to miss out! (Also, fingers crossed for Mac modifyers)
Will these fit on a Glorious gmmk 2 65%? The board has north facing switches and I have heard cherry style caps might have slight interference. Do these offer better clearance?
Not a question, but just a comment. I know you like Stance Hunters. Got my hands on a 935, and holee!!! The details are quite impressive for this scale and price! If ever they switch their business model, QC, and actually do licensed models, they would be in another league!
could we please get a picture of the kitting in the main picture gallery up top? i did scroll down to see the kitting in the "Overview" section, but the kitting is the single most important picture of a keycap set and i'm confused why it's being so tucked away.