$900 is a bit too close to what Focal has cranked out recently. Can anyone chime in to compare Dan's headphones that are similar to this to what Focal has produced?
Also, $900 is a serious money at a time when competition has stepped up its game in this space.
I have no doubt these will be amazing, but I've heard some amazing headphones at $450. And at $300.
Sep 25, 2018
Sep 25, 2018
808dreaminWhat are those amazing headphones at $450. And at $300. ?
808dreaminExactly, but it's even more intense. Look at what the 58X are doing to the HD-660S. It's giving it a run for it's money, where some even prefer them over the 660S. 58X are $150!
Megazinehave you ever heard planars like these? I mean I love any 650/6xx/58x as much as the next dude. ive spent a lot of time (like 1000s of hours) under senns just cause they are so damned comfortable and produce great sound. But they just don't compare to my LCD-X, like not even close man. They are so fast and so accurate with endless low end and superb imaging. Soundstage is never as broad but still IMO dynamic drivers don't come close.
i'm actually super impressed with this drop, only wish it came with the nice mr. speakers travel case as they are closed and what i'll be using them for.
sure you can't beat that senn value, but i've been waiting for a 'cheap' version of these for a longggg time.
Also, $900 is a serious money at a time when competition has stepped up its game in this space.
I have no doubt these will be amazing, but I've heard some amazing headphones at $450. And at $300.