Thanks for your answer. Now I see the little R3 legend for the first up arrow that is in the R2 row. I'm not sure why it wasn't just placed in the R3 row.
It's still not adding up to me. The text of the arrow set says, "This kit includes sets of five arrow keys (four directions plus an extra up and down arrow)" In this picture I see 6 keys (R2 Up, R3 Up, R3 Down, R3 Left, R3 Right, R4 Up). Also, I was thinking that the R4 would naturally be down, not up.
joefitzThe kitting rendering is a little confusing, filefish is correct with the very light R3 label on the up arrow in the R2 row. The row order for a typical SA profile 5 row board is R1, R2, R3, R4, R3 - in an inverted T arrow layout, the bottom row of arrows (typical placement) would be all R3, and the up arrow would be R4. Fun fact, Signature Plastics R4 is the same as R2 but flipped.