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Jun 12, 2024
I want to put my experience with getting a missing key cap for this set sent out to me. I am not trying to be rude or mean in this post just trying to pass along information. TLDR at bottom The set itself is fantastic. Looks and sounds great! No complaints whatsoever. However mine was missing the R4 "?/" key cap. It just did not get packed in the wrapping. I reached out to Drop support to try and rectify this issue. Drop Support was timely in their response but the options given to me were 1.) return the whole set to get a new one replaced 2.) get a $20 refund either to the card I purchased it with or in store credit. 3.) return whole set to get a full refund I probed a little more into the 3 options and after another email exchange Drop Support than informed me that the only options now were 2 and 3 since one wasn't an option because the set was now out of stock (I had to bring this up to them when I asked about option 1 since it was saying out of stock on the store page). I decided to just take option 2 since it was just one key cap and I did not want to send the whole set back in for a full refund. The refund goes through, no issues but I decided to take a long shot and message the manufacturer on this set (Signature Plastics) directly just see if they had a spare key cap laying around. I get a response very quickly from them (I used their web portal for inquiries on ordering stuff from them) and come to find out that (direct quote from Signature Plastics) "...I am honestly confused by this as we have an agreement with Massdrop where they give us a list of customer issues (like this) and we provide replacements directly to the customer". Signature Plastics had me verify the key cap I was missing and has already sent a replacement for free! Drop probably should get their customer support some more training or something, again I am not trying to throw shade or be mean but if I didn't decide to just send a email to Signature Plastics my (in my opinion) expensive key cap set I have been waiting for would have been incomplete. TLDR: If you are missing a key cap from a set manufactured by Signature Plastics just message them directly for a replacement.
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