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Feb 23, 2014
Hey everyone,
As many of you have already noticed by the comments posted by a couple of the members, we have shipped out all the remaining order from the Nov drop.
We will continue fulfilling orders from the Jan drop in the coming weeks as we receive our orders of the parts.
At this moment, we are on track to ship out most of the orders by end of the month, and the rest should go out by the beginning of next month.
And for the members that are waiting to join the next ErgoDox drop, be sure to check back in March!
Feb 24, 2014
nelsonHi nelson, received my kit from MD-628. I've noticed that my kit came with the exact same cases for both sides (ie the cutout for the teensy, USB and resisters).
All the pictures I've seen have a few of the acrylic layers different on each side to match the boards. My two sides even have the teensy hole at the top
Feb 24, 2014
cub3ysame problem with my pack
Feb 24, 2014
cub3ycub3y and ondra.kocian,
This is not by mistake. It is this way to prevent mistakes + reduce costs in recent buys. Similarly, the circuit boards are 100% reversible as well.
Admin User
Feb 24, 2014
cub3yWe changed the case design about 8 months ago to make the two sides symmetrical. A fair number of people were using the wrong case on the wrong side and getting confused during the construction of their keyboards.
Feb 24, 2014
MarkGood to know this *after* my kit arrived. Would have just got my own case and saved money if I had known. Its really not that confusing, and gives the case a cheaper feel in comparison with images I've seen of the doxs with Listers original design.
You need to update descriptions when changes are made. This is not all bad of course! For example, in previous drops people said the bolts were wrong length and crappy, the new black ones I got with my kit are great!
Maybe keep a rev log going?
Feb 27, 2014
MarkMark, can you provide the dxf files for the modified case please?
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