Right be fore I started mounting the keys, I realized that I accidentally soldered all the surface mounted diodes on the wrong side of both board. I nearly collapsed into a weeping ball of embarrassment and hopelessness.
In my darkest hour, I turned to google. I found a handful of dubious posts which suggested that the board was actually invertible and that terrible terrible mistake might not be a bid deal. So I continued with the build. An hour and half later I plugged my keyboard in, loaded the firmware, and typed this message. Everything worked!!
Thank you Mr(s). ErgoDox designer(s) for making such a fool proof board. You're beautiful.
Hi I'm new to Drop and i just received my Keyboard i have been waiting for months for by Drop x MTN Dew x Borderlands movie and didn't know if there was a software like Logitech's for the keyboards. if anyone could help please let me know
In my darkest hour, I turned to google. I found a handful of dubious posts which suggested that the board was actually invertible and that terrible terrible mistake might not be a bid deal. So I continued with the build. An hour and half later I plugged my keyboard in, loaded the firmware, and typed this message. Everything worked!!
Thank you Mr(s). ErgoDox designer(s) for making such a fool proof board. You're beautiful.