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Jul 6, 2020
Oh! What's all this about scratches then? Scratches on a man's watch give it character! They show the world you're not the kind of guy who sit's around doing needlepoint all day! No--you're a man of action and adventure! I say wear you scratchy old watch with pride!

Jul 6, 2020
RayFThe issue is not the scratches, but the fact that aluminum is anodized to avoid corrosion. Here's an article regarding that So once the ⌚ get scratched, check what can happen without the anodization layer here and here and here and here and so on...

So if you scratch stainless steel, bronze, titanium or gold corrosion won't develop... but aluminum is indeed affected by corrosion 😓
Jul 7, 2020
MarPabl All lies and vicious rumors!!! OMG--I just can't believe all the aluminum haters out there! Just think where we'd all be without aluminum--who wants to pay for beer in a stainless steel can? Who wants to fly in a stainless steel airplane? Nobody, that's who! All that rubbish about corrosion! First of all, I happen to have an aluminum Apple watch--had it for a couple of years now, and I just checked--there's no sign of corrosion at all. And speaking of Apple, if aluminum was such a terrible thing, how come my MacBook, my iPad and my iMac are all made out of it? For the prices Apple charges, they could have made all that stuff out of any metal they wanted--but they chose aluminum, didn't they?! Here's another thing--if stainless steel is so hot, how come that super-secret society of rich guys in all those Dan Brown novels, named themselves after aluminum, instead of steel? And don't try to tell me you've never heard of the Aluminuminati!!!
I tell you what I'm willing to do to defend my point: all you aluminum haters ( @Bobraz and the rest) get together and buy me one of these watches--I'll wear it for six months and if there are any scratches or corrosion on it at the end of that period, I'll admit I was wrong, and you guys were right. Ha! Let's see you all put your money where your mouths are on that deal!

Jul 7, 2020
RayF🤔 if your 🍎⌚ is fine now, maybe they sorted out the issues they had. These issues are documented in several places as you can 👁... I'm not sure why this corrosion happens with the 🍎⌚ maybe the sweat ➕ the 🔋 ➕ a scratch... I also have an 🍎💻 and it's fine, but it doesn't have any scratch and I've never scratched a soda can to 👁 what happens...
Jul 7, 2020
MarPabl Mine is the black anodized version but I'm guessing they're all surface treated. The thing is, the sensors on the back side of the watch are actually glass, and that sensor unit raises the watch up and off the skin. My guess is the watch in the photo was warn hard and everyday. That could happen if that was the only watch the guy owned. Most of us, on the other hand, rotate our watches. Either way, I'm still up for testing the Hamilton ;- )
Two (or maybe three?) years old at this point and showing NO signs of corrosion. Granted, I don't wear it everyday, but often enough to show signs if it were an issue.
Jul 7, 2020
RayFMaybe 🤔 good . I also have a couple of smart ⌚ which I rarely use... Let the 💰 raising begin so we can test this ⌚😝
Jul 11, 2020
RayFSpoken like a true disciple of Ron Swanson
Jul 11, 2020
baseballjunkie Had never heard of him; had to look him up. Reminded me why I quit watching television in '02. --not 1902; the other '02.
Dec 22, 2020