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We love having a supportive community that can help make our products better and help us catch the mistakes (which we do sometimes make). But we do have a line of products that we like to keep in…line. One thing that comes up here in the comments is in relation to the dates on our prints. When we first began our patent prints line we decided to utilize the patent's Publication Date from the US Patent Office for all prints.
Patents can contain filing dates, priority dates, prior publication dates, reissue dates, publication dates and other dates. In a legal scuffle a patent holder would use the earliest possible date attached to their patent to show first dibs on its creation and prove that they were going through the application process first. However, we’ve found that sometimes filing dates are missing. Or priority dates may be missing. Or any other random dates may be missing. The only date that is 100% present is the publication date. This was the date the patent was granted to the holder by the US Patent Office and it is always accounted for. This is why you see the patent was granted to the DeLorean company in 1986, but you know in your gut that the DeLorean was released in 1981. Or why the Atari 2600 was released in 1977 but granted a patent in 1979. The patent process takes time, like anything related to the government, and we have found it most practical to keep all our designs consistent by printing the publication date.
once again thank you for your critical eye and be sure to keep pointing out any errors that may slip through!
Jun 26, 2016
InkedandScreened-SupportThe picture for the E30 shows an E28 is the actual print going to be an E30 or was that just a re used picture?