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May 11, 2018
This is really disappointing to see. I have bought things from Massdrop, and generally they are slow but reliable when it comes to customer service and they have had some good deals. I bought one of my TUKKs off of here, and I think a MQR or two.
Brad, who I have gotten products from for years now, has always been fast, reliable, made excellent products, and gone the extra mile like doing custom anodized color when I asked (and gone above and beyond, like refinishing and anodizing titanium stuff from other makers for me when he had the time). Given the previous TacticalKeychains offerings on Massdrop, releasing something so close to a TUKK strikes me in poor taste. Profitable perhaps, but not a good look. I think I will stick to supporting the guy I know, the one who is feeding his family by making cool things he dreams up in his garage in Iowa.
Plus he has videos showing the whole process which are fascinating to watch.
May 11, 2018
May 11, 2018
Riku964Which are all fantastic points, for a product made and sold in the US! "If you make it, they will come." And thus requires no further intervention by the creator or public beyond the knowledge that it exists. Everyone is free to pick and choose what they think they will enjoy the most, as both devices accomplish the same task, as do other such devices elsewhere on the market.
The narrative that either product is superior or inferior does not help anyone. Everyone is to judge for themselves and make their own assessment.
May 11, 2018
May 11, 2018
Riku964This is my first time to see anything like this and thought it was really cool until I saw the price for a "Made In China" item. Someone above said the two gentlemen that created this one are stand up guys. I'm sure they are, but I just have a hard time for piece that's made in China for this kind of money.
I've never heard of, andI don't know how much the "TUKK" one is, but I'd rather give someone in the U.S. that makes it $50 or $60.
I'm sorry, this is cool, but not for a $40 Chinese made item. The U.S. has GOT TO STOP manufacturing almost EVERYTHING in China. Cheers All, and Happy Mothers Day to those Ladies!
May 11, 2018
May 11, 2018
Riku964Ok, just went and looked at the TUKK's version of this. It's $53 total which includes shipping. Why would I spend $39 on the Massdrop and wait until September? MD charges shipping also, I believe.
One of the posters mentioned that both Chinese and U.S. markets serve different needs, which I can appreciate. However, if it's $10 that makes you are breaks you, you shouldn't be buying something like this to begin with. You need to be spending that money on the $2 menu at McDonald's to feed your family. Just my honest humble opinion.
May 11, 2018
May 11, 2018
OldoilerThanks man, now I'm having a Big Mac Attack
May 11, 2018
May 12, 2018
OldoilerThe TUKK isn't pocket safe, for one. That is because it is not self-retracting, which also has an advantage in that the user can just lift their thumb off the opening stud and viola, the RUK is closed and safe, without requiring a specific action to stow the blade.
It doesn't have the same ergonomic panache as the RUK, for another. Personally I think that a tiny cutting tool should probably not just be a smooth-sided rectangular box, and I like the way the RUK is shaped.
It doesn't allow as much blade to be exposed and used as the RUK, for thirds. Since these are disposable knives using tiny, standardized blades, losing half of the useful edge of each blade is a significant downside for the TUKK.
The TUKK is 25% more expensive for the same materials, and appears that interesting materials like titanium aren't readily available, so there's not much advantage from the multiple material offerings.
Also, the TUKK maker is acting like an enormously entitled child, claiming that his disposable blade utility knife is the first of its kind and that this is some knockoff of his product, when it is clearly a completely different (and better) design that only shares rough dimensional commonality and blade compatibility with the TUKK.
Personally I wouldn't support someone who throws a massive public temper tantrum because an outlet and design partnership that didn't include him is selling a competing product.
Elliot Williamson had a little bit of a PR incident a couple of months back, but I think he recovered very well from it and I also think that if his kerfuffle had been an instance of him raging against Massdrop and Bob Terzuola or TJ Schwarz for doing knife collaborations together, I would have to think hard about buying more of the FFKW collaborations. None of these designers have any right to expect a sole partnership in bringing cool new products to market with Massdrop, and all of them should be excited about the chance to deliver WE-quality production offerings of their designs to people who can't justify spending $600-$1000+ to try their designs.
The guy who makes the TUKK has done nothing but slam the hood of a car shut on his own dick. He should have reacted to this drop by designing a revamped TUKK and sending a proposal to Massdrop to bring that to market as well. Rather than identify where the opportunity lies and getting on the ball, he is choosing to be a little tiny baby and pitch a fit that they didn't work with him on their first utility knife collaboration.
It is only his own fault that there is no more opportunity for him to work with Massdrop, and he is dead wrong to complain that this completely different utility knife is just a knock off of his own less appealing product.
And by the way, there's no reason to keep chanting the 'made in China should cost $4' mantra, it's nonsense and so far removed from the reality of the world we live in that it is just boring to read and refute at this point. If you have never handled a gadget made by WE Knife Co, you really shouldn't be disparaging them. Their work is generally flawless and they are never the most expensive offering for a given materials-fit-finish combination. Their high-end knives are basically midtechs that would cost much more if they were made by other companies.
It is also pretty shitty of you to act like there is some inherent benefit to a US-made item that means anyone buying a Chinese-made item is doing so for a lack of buying power. This is obviously a different product that is clearly superior in a couple of very important ways, there is no need to accuse people who buy this over the temper tantrum TUKK of being cheap.
May 12, 2018
May 12, 2018
OldoilerWhy the actual !$!% would you spend $2 on McDonalds and not groceries from the grocery store?
May 12, 2018
May 13, 2018
OmniseedI think you have read a lot more into what I said, Omniseed.
"It is also pretty shitty of you to act like there is some inherent benefit to a US-made item that means anyone buying a Chinese-made item is doing so for a lack of buying power."
First of all, there is absolute benefit in buying from our own country as opposed to foreign markets. Trade imbalances for example. This isn't an economics class so I'm not getting into that. It is a grossly ridiculous argument about box cutters.......for the most part.
Secondly, millions of Americans are ".....buying Chinese-made item is doing so for lack of buying power." This is exactly what is occurring. See Walmart. However, I was never disparaging or putting people down that buy Chinese. I never said that nor insinuated at all that I was disparaging American's for buying Chinese.
Remember, this is about a roughly $45 Chinese made box cutter (with shipping and 9/2018 arrival) as opposed to a $53 dollar U.S. made box cutter. (not counting all of the negative stuff that "Brad" has said.) Not my comments about him; others. I truthfully don't know what he has said/done. And of course, the improvements that you note to the Chinese made box cutter.
I am out of these debates, but have enjoyed the civility amongst the Massdrop community.
Cheers and enjoy your weekend, Omniseed
May 13, 2018
May 13, 2018
CC38It was a bit "tongue in cheek", CC38. Obviously, I failed in my delivery of it.
May 13, 2018
May 14, 2018
Riku964because the workers in china ARENT feeding families... or any other prodcers for that matter?... i wont by from BRAD just because of is whiney assed bullshit tantrums and those of his sycophants on here...unlike these guys who have been classy and polite and helpful so far. its called free market.
May 14, 2018
May 14, 2018
Oldoilerthen go to your senator and demand the out of control taxing and regulations of our " government" be reigned in.. money talks. me for one would never allow my product to be sabotaged by the suits in DC or any state that have nothing riding on its success but hold a gun to my head when i try to make a living off it. FUCK THEM and anyone that screams "BUY USA and FUCK China etc". ...that hasn't a clue about economics. my ass would send it out to be manufactured in bora bora if it could be done well and less expense..and sell it for less than id have to if i did it all here and still make a good living. im a patriot...but not an idiotically blind one..the problem isnt the out sourcing..its the WHY... its because of greed and the need to indulge in ultimate control...Greed is what is suffocating the small businessman..the GREED and need to CONTROL every single aspect of US society by our so called " representative Government" regulations regulating everything but the regulators.
May 14, 2018
May 15, 2018
bambam67How do you have enough time to troll everyone in this product about outsourcing? Kind of amazing, like you are getting paid to do it... You should really try to write better sentences so that people read what you write.
May 15, 2018
May 16, 2018
smallbitsooo hypocrisy is in your DNA or did you learn it? ROFL pathetic... POT MEET KETTLE...grammar nazi attacks? sad and pathetic attempt bub...really. try again.
May 16, 2018
May 16, 2018
bambam67I should have labeled it "protip".
May 16, 2018
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