These knives look and feel great. I received the big eye in bronze and the pelagic in sharkskin. The fit and finish on the knives is awesome. The detent on the pelagic is a little stiff but not bad. Only other comment to make Is they could’ve used a bit more texture on the thumbstuds.
Great knives. I will also get one in aqua if the become available.
ponagathosIn case you're interested, I just got my aqua pelagic yesterday and it's outstanding. I'd be willing to do a swap for your sharkskin version. I'm in the military and can't really carry around such a brightly colored knife. Should have ordered sharkskin from the beginning
OmniseedNo it's just to teal colored, which is exactly what I expected from "aqua." I just didn't know how much I'd love this knife and want to carry it at work. I'd need it to be much more subdued, OD or black or gray etc.
OmniseedThat's a bit out of league to answer but Kaviso Outdoors has taken over some of the Drop product lines and will have new collabs coming soon in addition to the new Thresher and Nurse knives.
MHarrisNew collabs is very good news to me, I don't have all of the Drop collaboration knives but I do have (most?) a ton of them and each was an outstanding addition in its own right and it's cool that the line will persist.