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Apr 13, 2017
So smearing snail body slime upon one self, will make you look much younger and prettier......?
Don't understand anything about these creams and ointments, the Mrs covers herself with gawd knows what so I shut up and move away quietly.
Suspect need to do the same here, but I will never stop anyone from anointing themselves with any products, when it comes to making themselves delusional about looking "YOUNGER" : )
Apr 15, 2017
Elrickwtf are u even saying
Aug 12, 2017
ElrickIt isn't that the cream makes you look "younger," it's that it helps prevent signs of aging such as wrinkles or blemishes. Snails coat themselves in a rich goop to protect their sensitive bodies from harsh sun rays. Hypothetically this can be beneficial to our skin as well, and there's some studies that correlate to that, but it's still kinda in need of more testing. It does well for hydrating though.