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Showing 1 of 164 conversations about:
Ultimate Guard
Jun 3, 2015
Hey everybody, I just wanted to come in and give you a little more info on how we did this drop and why the tracking/delivery has been inconsistent between users.
With an unprecedented product like MM2, our drop was also pretty unprecedented. This drop included more different vendors fulfilling packages than any other drop in Massdrop's history. This was all because there was no single source that had enough boxes to meet the community's demand.
We have a pretty streamlined process to get our vendors everything they need to send out their products to community members. The final piece of that process includes the vendor letting us know the products are shipped, us verifying that they are indeed moving, and updating our system to notify you of the tracking info. If we hear back late from the vendor, you might end up receiving the package before we update your tracking. It's a weird experience, I know, but we're glad you're receiving your cards (hopefully with some sweet foils)!
You are also receiving your packages at different times because different vendors were able to get these out quicker than others (bravo!) and they are scattered throughout the country.
For full transparency, 1% of the orders missed the expected ship date of 6/1 and were shipped a day late. The rest were shipped out before the deadline and you should all be getting your boxes very soon if they aren't already in hand.
Thanks so much for making history with Massdrop on this drop and please come back and let us know what you got in your boxes, the pulls from these boxes can be pretty nuts!
Jun 3, 2015
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