BradTrevIt's much more powerful, but for the price I would go for a GTX 1070 on sale. It's nearly 150% the performance of a 980ti at 1080p resolutions while gaming, but yes you would want to get an upgrade on that CPU, it will bottleneck the 980ti for a decent amount.
BradTrevA very large amount more powerful, and CPU bottlenecks depend on what you plan to play/do with this graphics card.
Most high end games at highest quality would still be GPU bound with an i5 4460, but some CPU intensive games would get bottlenecked by the i5. If you tell me what games I could give my opinion :)
J-e-cCool :)
Yeah, my gaming is all over the place, a lot of easy-running titles like CS:GO and overwatch. Looking through my library though, the most intensive ones look to be: GTA V, Rainbow 6 Siege, Sniper Elite III (haven't gotten four yet, waiting for a sale), and Battlefield 4. Thoughts?
BradTrevI'd say everything there except maybe Battlefield 4 and GTA V would be GPU bound with a 980 ti and i5 :)
Not sure about Sniper Elite III tbh...
Good luck :)