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Showing 1 of 13 conversations about:
Jul 16, 2019
Customer service seemed to have no control over what their vendors decide to do --- As of Friday 7/12 (the date when it was suppose to ship) they had no word from the vendor and NO CLUE what was going on. They said the vendors are off over the weekend so they can get information on Monday 7/15. All they did know was that they definitely could not do a refund since they place the order on 7/8 with the vendor. Weird to me that they did not get any updates from the vendor that entire week after the order was placed stating there would be a delay in shipping out on the agreed upon date. Pretty basic stuff to me - either the vendor should have contacted Drop or Drop should have checked in with the vendor. Yesterday, They told me the vendor only had completed 50% of the orders. They did not provide a new estimated ship date. I just do not understand how we had to contact customer service instead of them contacting all parties that would be affected. All in all, the deals are not that great from Drop if it is the cheapest, it's by a couple of dollars. Definitely not worth dealing with the lack of accountability or communication.
Jul 16, 2019
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