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May 15, 2018
Couple of points: • Look closely at the photo of the guy holding the container of this product, note that his thumb is actually larger than the product you're about to pay fifteen bucks for. • Note to Specs writer, while we appreciate your noting the weight, the dimensions of the product would be more helpful (or in this case more shocking). • Note to Clayton's label printer: "Ounce" in this instance would be singular, rather than plural. • Note to Marketing department's copy writer: "rich in vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids" sounds more like something you'd eat, rather than something you'd put on your face. We don't want to confuse anybody--just say'n. • Not that I assume anyone really cares about that whole "responsibly sourced ingredients" line folks seem compelled to add to everything sold these days, but I would point out that this particular tree, is listed as "VULNERABLE" on the INCN's Red List of Threatened Species ( ), just say'n...
And finally, here's something I know most of you will get a kick out of, but especially Clayton! Last month while doing some business in Canada, I noticed this little PSA poster from the University of Saskatchewan, no less, taped up on an office door:
Yikes! pretty in-your-face for Canadians, who are normally a soft-spoken and polite bunch, on the whole (unless you're a baby seal--but I digress).
Anyway, food for thought? kidding--don't eat this stuff.
•Note to Clayton's label printer: add "not to be taken internally"