So... as far as I am concerned, I should not join this drop (?) Are there any good cards that would make the investment worth it? I don't mean to sell the cards, but rather is it worth to spend almost 30 euro's on these cards instead of spending them on a tin / booster packs instead ?
SyntricalI think the name of the drop is misleading. I joined it, re-read it, and then cancelled my order. The name "rares and holos bundle (50 cards)" suggests you'll get 50 rares and holos, when in fact you get 10 rares, a booster, and 30 cards that will be of zero worth. It should be 50 card bundle with 10 rares, inc 4 holos
natto_loverI can buy 5 packs for 20.00. Each pack has at least 1 chance, maybe 2 per pack to get holo, rare, full art GX card.
You will also get 50 cards.
This drop is 16.99 and you get better returns. It is worth it in my opinion.