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Dec 14, 2014
been a month since purchase and still waiting...
Dec 15, 2014
fotogiDon't be so entitled! Good costumer service and timely delivery is a privilege and you should be grateful you are even receiving these speakers at such a low price with the most reasonable shipping rate. /sarcasm
Also Varhiliaglimp,
How is a costumer supposed to make an educated decision on this drop when the drop ended before black friday and before any of the other sites revealed their sales? Costumers joined the drop being mislead that it was a unique deal and that "[they] just really liked [us]". So of course people unknowingly jumped at the opportunity thinking there wouldn't be another option since it was being sold at retail price everywhere else. It was a very deceitful tactic on Massdrop's part. Now we are stuck with long wait times on shipping, some poor costumer support, and over paying for both the speakers and the shipping.
Dec 24, 2014
HuestonHueston ululated:
"Good costumer service and timely delivery is a privilege and you should be grateful you are even receiving these speakers at such a low price with the most reasonable shipping rate. /sarcasm"
Yes, good costumers are hard to find, especially after the Mardis Gras is over. Be happy with the costume you're already wearing.
"Also Varhiliaglimp, How is a costumer supposed to make an educated decision on this drop when the drop ended before black friday and before any of the other sites revealed their sales?"
The customer is supposed to make an educated decision knowing that other retailers and vendors might offer better prices -- especially during Black Friday and right before Christmas. Infuriating sales on other sites can happen to any drop at any moment. If you're not willing to lose money speculating, then don't speculate.
And don't invest in the stock market, either.
"Costumers joined the drop being mislead that it was a unique deal and that "[they] just really liked [us]". So of course people unknowingly jumped at the opportunity thinking there wouldn't be another option since it was being sold at retail price everywhere else. It was a very deceitful tactic on Massdrop's part."
My Fetchingly Costumed Hueston:
None of it was "deceitful on Massdrop's part" because the people at Massdrop are no more informed about manufacturers' strategies and supply chains than we are.
Were you a member of head-fi way back when the drops first started? It usually began with a guy like you placing a large order in order to secure a discount. A lot of people committed to buy at once so that the price could be brought down.
When you're dealing with a truly niche item, it can be a great strategy. When the product is being discounted or discontinued elsewhere already (as SALs were at the time of the drop), all bets are off.
And participating in a drop most certainly involves a bet: the bet that nothing will change between the time you commit and the time the product's delivered to you.
"Now we are stuck with long wait times on shipping, some poor costumer support, and over paying for both the speakers and the shipping."
Actually, the people at Massdrop have already offered a refund to those who don't want to wait. The question is whether or not you still want the speakers or think you'll get a better deal from another vendor.
Really -- it's your choice.