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Jun 22, 2017
I just read this entire thread. The comments were amazing!!! There was an awesome mix of generalizing idiots, blindly defending fanbois, and strawman arguments from both sides...even the vendor got in on the shit talking! What more could you ask for?
The fact is, the numbers say it all. It's priced too high and too few have bought it. As was already said, I have purchased extremely high quality grinders with 3-4 layers that were only $50-60.
You know, one thing everybody seems to have glossed over is the fact that it's not waterproof. That alone takes away any advantage it might have had over a cheaper case.
By the way, for anybody interested, you can get makeup cases at science shops. They are clear and 2" up to like 4". I know the clear part might not be appealing and so is not a full-on replacement for this product, but I just thought I'd mention then since they cost $5 and don't require repurposing another item, which depending on what was in it can be a horrible idea. Scuba silicone grease, lip balm....these sound like exactly the kind of thing that leaves a very difficult to remove residue, especially in the corners.
Anyways, I know it's a broken record by now, but this is definitely overpriced. Yes, a few people bought one, and if that's good enough for the vendor, that's great...from what I'm hearing from those who would buy this though, they would (and some have) purchased it at full price. I have a feeling this could have been $40 extra and those buyers still would have jumped why is it on Massdrop? Massdrop is not a free advertising site. It's not a place to say, "Look I've got this luxury thing to sell"'s supposed to be a site of buyers. We have the purchasing power, and this site was started to give buyers the advantage. That, first and foremost, is the goal of this site. Can you honestly and truly say this drop gives buyers the advantage? I really do apologise for 200 people requesting this, that must not have been nice for you...but honestly, I bet you they weren't the people you think, with "no intention of buying".
Rather, I bet you a lot of them said "ehh, I like it and it's cool, but it's so expensive.... maybe I'd buy it if it came back". They then hit request as a "remind me and I'll think about it". Well, you reminded them, they thought about it, and then they said no.
This site has changed a little in that we've grown so much, that massdrop themselves now makes selections about a lot of products, because we don't have the time or the ability to answer 50 polls a that way, we've deferred trust to them about what is dropped. In this case, we feel that it was not the right move, and so are giving feedback. Some have been overly rude about it, others overly sensitive, but you're hearing the same thing from both sides of the table, it's just too expensive. Massdrop needs to step up their game with these kinds of items, as I said, we now defer to them for the projects they put forth, and that means that they now control whether or not we get good deals and good items. That is a dangerous and wonderful place for then to be in as a company, Because it means they choose whether people stay on this site.
My point here is, this may or may not be a good product; it probably is. This may or may not be a good price; it probably isn't...but I think we're having the wrong argument here. It's not, "should this item be sold". It's, "Should this item be sold *on massdrop*", and I personally believe the answer is no. Keep in mind, I say this as somebody who wears a watch strap so small that it's never been sold on the site; I would directly benefit from the opposing viewpoint, but I don't feel it's fair, either to the vendors to produce such a small run, or to the buyers for having to pay a higher price due to lack of volume.
Anyways, I'm just saying, this site was started to give buyers the power, either through an amazing deal or a custom/upgraded version of a product. Yes, this is a site for luxury goods, but to say that "it's all luxury stuff" is overgeneralizing; the whole idea behind the site (in my mind) is the fact that luxury goods tend to have very steep margins, and buying in bulk can significantly reduce this. Our price should be somewhere between reseller price and retail, about halfway sounds right. I just don't see that in this item, and when I ask myself the important questions, like "why is this here? Who will buy this? How will buying it here rather than from the seller benefit the buyer and the community?" and the answers just don't seem to justify this product being sold here. Like the watch strap example I brought up, it seems that this item is best kept off the site and simply sold elsewhere. Otherwise it's just free advertising and nobody is benefiting.
P.S. Just in case you're wondering, the tablets in the photo are Excedrin Migraine and Fexofenadine (Allegra). lol I am one of those people who just has to know everything >_<
Jun 22, 2017
SeelenCannot agree enough. Hilarious item with minimal functionality at a maximized price.
Jun 23, 2017
SeelenGreat formatting. Wonderful support of MassDrop during your tirade. I requested this item because of the comments posted previously. I personally won't buy this for reasons. But others will for reasons. That's what MD is all about. Reasons. Shit. Prices. Damn it. Exclusives. Nevermind. MD for life! :D
Jun 25, 2017
Seelen1/4 of those supposed 200 requesters disagree with you