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Jan 24, 2020
"Szanto brand, because Fossil watches just weren't gimmicky enough for you! Szanto is owned by these guys: Who appear to be hell-bent on capturing the "teen to thirty" demographic by tapping into various "that's how I want to see myself!" identity products, and who have a (fuzzy) relationship with a large Chinese watch manufacturing company, they seem very high on: "We feel very fortunate to work with a factory in China that is every bit as professional as any we've ever seen in Switzerland, and in fact is superior to many." And are also not shy about explaining their marketing direction and focus: "We understand the importance of style and trend, and work closely with Research and Development Teams in Hong Kong and China to bring original ideas, customers’ requirements and expertise together to satisfy our customers’ needs." In other words: Big on the sizzle, light on the steak, which is to say, it's not difficult to make a watch that ticks, the trick is getting people to buy them. For this company, that means the wrapper, packaging, and marketing are the focus--the internals need only be "sufficient." You can see some nice photos of their (?) factory here:
Jan 24, 2020
RayFAt least they’re honest about it, that has to count for something. China has made some huge leaps in their watch manufacturing ability, its their Quality Control that’s always so iffy. But given proper QC, I’ll let them earn my money. Look at the lume on this Chinese made puppy, with 300m water resistance to boot! Sadly, no helium escape valve.

Jan 24, 2020
RayFTL;DR: China bad, because. We agree that it's not a very sophisticated watch upon close inspection but your reasoning is ignorant and vaguely xenophobic. Cheap stuff from China is cheap but nice stuff from China is nice; their offerings in the audio industry like the Topping D10 and E1DA 9038s are prime examples. It's dated thinking to shit on something Chinese just because it's Chinese.
Jan 25, 2020
autoteleologyYou presume I was addressing you?! Ha-your short attention span and dismal reading comprehension skills are far too well known to me!
Jan 25, 2020
WatchyoutalkingaboutI assume all of my watches were made in China (save one). I wasn’t knocking the manufacturer, I was pointing out the cheesy, trend/style driven marketing the folks who contract with them, are using to sell watches. I’m just not a fan of fad watches, marketed without pedigree or provenance. My issue is the marketing process, not manufacturing process ;- )
Jan 25, 2020
RayFYou mean you don’t like it when watch companies try to prove to you their $300 divers are just as good as a Rolex? Next you’re going to tell me you don’t want dozens of pictures spammed over and over again. Buzzkill!
Jan 25, 2020
WatchyoutalkingaboutI could connect those dots!
Jan 25, 2020
RayFYou sure have a talent for using big words to say nothing.
Jan 25, 2020
autoteleologyOh for Pete’s Sake—could you please rephrase that with bigger words so I could follow along?!!
Jan 25, 2020
autoteleologyJust read your original comment in response to mine—to see what upset you. Here’s the deal: when you begin with Gen Z equivalent of I didn’t read your comment, but here’s why I think you’re wrong, whether that’s what you said, or not—makes you sound like a guy who should probably have spent more time reading, and less time typing.
Jan 25, 2020
RayF1: Your entire OP was spent making pointless ad hominems towards the company and tying those ad hominems to implications about China 2: For all your complaining about supposedly being misinterpreted you have not spent a single word talking about the watch at hand making your complaints about the company totally irrelevant 3: If I don't respond to you, are you going to fill my email with notifications all night? One response per post is more than sufficient, and if I didn't reply, it's because your post was weak and I thought that leaving you with the last word made you look worse than anything I had to say in response
Jan 25, 2020
autoteleologyWoo—Sounds like it’s nappy-time for somebody?! But before you go, do tell us which trendy Szanto fashion watch you purchased today?!
Jan 25, 2020
RayFYes, it is me who is upset, and not the person who saw fit to start dropping interrobangs. Also, I already told you, and you should know as a critic of "reading comprehension", that I don't ultimately disagree eith you on dissing the watch, except I dislike it for stylistic reasons and not where it came from, because I care more about aesthetic than being a snob.
Jan 25, 2020
autoteleologyIn that case, simply return the unused portion of your purchase for a full and prompt refund. You may keep the free Ginsu steak knives with our compliments ;- )