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Feb 20, 2018
A reminder for those who don't know -- As tritium is (barely) radioactive, it is a regulated product in the United States. You can't sell tritium here for "trivial" purposes, which apparently means anything besides watch hands and night sights. It may seem ridiculous for Massdrop to sell a tritium vial holder with no tritium vials, but their hands are tied.
However, while selling them is illegal, buying them is perfectly legal. Go figure. So you have to buy from overseas. I have bought many tritium vials from China and England. A quick eBay search will find them.
Feb 20, 2018
Feb 22, 2018
DaedDid this change recently? I remember buying a trituim vial off of massdrop a few years ago...
Feb 22, 2018
Feb 22, 2018
AugustThe relevant code looks like it was last amended in 1993, but then again, IANAL. But as I understand it, Massdrop isn't technically the seller in most of the drops. It could be that they facilitated the transaction for someone in the U.K. or Asia who was able to sell.
Feb 22, 2018
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