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Apr 29, 2019
No red?
Jan 6, 2020
RayFOnly commies favor red
Jan 6, 2020
mcloseThen please explain why MAGA hats are red - or are you just being sarcastic?
Jan 6, 2020
PNWNativeYes, being sarcastic...that said, Putin certainly has favored status in this administration.
Jan 6, 2020
mcloseThanks for clarifying, you just explained why MAGA hats are red.
Jan 7, 2020
mclosePutin's worst nightmare is this administration. Trump just killed his favorite Iranian general, Trump arms Ukranians to kill Russians, America is energy independent, I could go on but you're a brainwashed leftist buffoon and have no use for facts. Are there Russians under your bed right now?
Jan 7, 2020
mcloseThat's by far the dumbest smattering of nonsense propaganda I've ever read. Exactly what I expect from a moron leftist. You never answered, are there Russians under your bed right now?
Jan 7, 2020
LimeGreenYetiHe didn't answer because you sound like a QAnon. But I will - before you go out make sure your tinfoil hat is securely fastened.
Jan 7, 2020
PNWNativeQanon is for clowns and LARPers. I'm talking about facts, you poorly educated idiots are conspiracy theorists and still can't get overt the 2016 election. Although when Trump said "tell Vlad I'll have more flexibility after the election" I did get worried, and then when Trump gave a speech in Russia for $500k cash then they donated tens of millions to the Global Trump Initiative I got more worried. Then when Trump and Mueller and Trump's SoS signed off on a deal to sell 1/5 of America's uranium to Russia I thought the worst... What were you saying about tin foil hats?
Jan 7, 2020
Jan 7, 2020
LimeGreenYetiFirst of all, this administration is the World's worst nightmare--there is no single greater threat to the environment, or political stability anywhere on the globe, than to have an aging, insecure, and unstable idiot like trump making uniformed, nee-jerk decisions with no concern for the consequences. You don't have to be a leftist or a progressive to understand that--and by the way, there's no shortage of conservatives who see that as well. Putin and trump place the interests of Countries below their personal interests--their only loyalty is to themselves and their ambitions. Trump would be just as happy being the megalomaniac ruler of any given super power,--probably preferring Russia or China because he wouldn't ever have to face an election! No one on this page is making an argument agains the PEOPLE of any country--this is about the whack-jobs running those countries (most particularly, this country) and the whack-jobs who support them all for a brief moment's worth of tribal chest pounding and banner waving, oblivious to the long term consequences. We're all going to have to deal with what's left of this country, long after trump has gone to Alzheimer never-never land. My suggestion is we begin to come to terms with that now.
Jan 7, 2020
PNWNativeYou know, just between you and me, I'm beginning to think our pal Tommy boy's been a'watch'n himself some o' that 'ol fox-news tv! That there's some powerful brain melt'n mo-jo if ever there was some! I believe 'ol Tommy boy's brain may just have been fully nuked at this point. Best keep a safe distance ;- )
Jan 8, 2020
akaCastleAlso, leave kale out of this; that stuff is actually pretty tasty. I'm not a smoothie guy, so I won't endorse that, but drizzle a little olive oil on some fresh kale then grill or roast it till it's crispy... mmmm boy! Pairs nice with some mashed cauliflower, that is, if you can look past the racism. If not, I suppose you could try it with some yooka, what ever that is. You think it could be related to the yucca [yuhk-uh]?
Jan 8, 2020
LimeGreenYetiOh stop it--you had me at "the Kenyan"!!! Not that we couldn't see your "very fine people on both sides" tiki torch glowing in the distance (or smell Sean Hannity's brown stuff all over your nose) but I'm glad you're finally out of the closet now, where everyone can see the color of your Brown Shirt. Me? I'm out'a here--my work is done as they say--so you just rave on little Adolf, because as Tom Mullen once said: "The best anti-Nazi strategy is to let them speak" So here's your megaphone, Tommy boy--say what you got to say...

Jan 10, 2020
RayFRelevant to what? Most of the comments you posted are rants about the Commander in Chief. Like it or not, you are showing symptoms of TDS. Maybe it wasn't your intent, but you do sound at least a little deranged in this thread. Somehow things went from you rightfully questioning Victorinox's decision to not use their iconic Red to The Punisher logo being a symbol for tiny dicks? Cmon, man. It's a username and an avatar. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. As far as the site is concerned, they seem pretty easy going; not an uncommon stance in The Town. Fun Fact: San Francisco has a long history of tolerance. If they didn't reprimand you for decloseting YETI, intentionally misgendering me, or making unwanted sexual statements regarding my allegedly tiny Frank, then I'm probably safe. Also, I'm not sure if you got the memo, but now it's LGBTQIA+. #IDONTHAVETDSYOURJUSTRACISTANDANAZIWITHATINYDICKIHATETRUMPBUTCANTTELLYOUWHYYOURRASICTTRUMPTRUMPTRUMPWALLSSUCKTRUMPUMALLICANTHINKABOUTISTRUMP
Jan 10, 2020
akaCastleHere's a fun fact: there is no such thing as trump derangement syndrome; it's just a catchy little phrase thought up by Sean Hannity or Steven Miller to try and ward off the masses of higher intellect voters who clearly see the danger trump presents to our little democracy. Sort of like he and they, refer to government employees who don't buy into his bull shit as the Deep State, or Conservatives and Republicans who see him for what he is as Never Trumpers. This whole name-calling thing trump popularized during the last election seems to have really struck a chord with folks like you and that raving nazi dick-head @LimeGreenYeti. I suspect that's because calling jews, blacks, hispanics, gays and whoever and whatever "names" has always been a key element of your little cabal--be they straight-up Nazis, or just your garden variety racists and homophobes. Never ceases to amaze us progressive liberal types how they continue to suck in the poorest and most uneducated among our citizenry, but I guess that's the tactics of fear for you--it scares those most prone to being scared. Us guys, we just impeach the mutherfuckers! BOO! ;-)
Jan 10, 2020
RayFWhines like a child about name calling, then calls names. You're seriously stupid, bigoted and poorly informed but so is every democrat so you're not unique. Enjoy 5 more years of Trump, TDS loon! You never answered, are you wearing that pinkpussy hat as you type?
Jan 10, 2020
LimeGreenYetiI believe you initiated all the name calling & escalated it at light speed; to try and claim virtue after the vitriol you have spewed is comical.
Jan 11, 2020
akaCastleDeranged in this thread, you actually believe that after you jumped in guns ablazing? I'll answer that for you: you evidently believe it and for you your beliefs are just articles of faith with no grounding in reality.
Jan 11, 2020
PNWNativeSounds positively cultish!
Jan 11, 2020
PNWNativeI'm not claiming virtue, your reading comprehension leaves something to be desired. I pointed out the hypocrisy and dishonesty of the other idiot for whining about name calling. "escalated" meaning I took umbrage with your TDS safe space idiocy? Yup. They have the block feature here, do they not? If you're offended why not block me? The only comical thing here are the half-male leftists. Now whine about that too, snowflake.
Jan 11, 2020
LimeGreenYetiYou know what? Your inability to accept responsibility for your own words in name-calling, cursing, and personal attacks tell me a lot about you. For example, in your latest comment you used these denigrating names: half-male leftists, snowflake, and TDS -- all part of a pattern you have used in this thread. Why don't you use the block feature if you are so offended by those who disagree with you, or does that validate your inaccurate belief that you are a victim?
Jan 11, 2020
RayFWow. You thought I was providing a medical diagnosis? I should have remembered Poe's law. Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is utterly impossible to parody a Creationist in such a way that someone won't mistake for the genuine article. Let me clarify, TDS is not a medical condition recorded in the The American Medical Journal. Its a satirical way to describe people so obsessed with hating Trump that he becomes all they can think about. Same goes for MDD (Motivational Deficiency Disorder), CRS (Can't Remember Shit), CCDS (Climate Change Denial Syndrome), MILF (everyone knows this one). You shouldn't put so much credence in online posts. Where did I cry about the name calling? I learned how to deal with that in Mrs. Bea's 2nd grade class. I'm just waiting to find out how The Punisher logo became the international symbol for a small penis. I have gone back and read a bunch of the comics and I still don't see the connection. It's still mainly guns, knives, broken bones, inner-monologue, and dead bad guys. Do you at least agree with me about the kale?
Jan 11, 2020
akaCastleLet me stop you before you mistake me for someone who is the least bit interested in continuing this conversation, or frankly hearing anything you have to say on this subject or the next. I am not the sort of person who enjoys passing by and accident scene in hopes of catching a morbid glimpse of the gore and suffering involved--I always look the other way. Partially out of respect for the victims privacy, and partially because I have no stomach for watching others suffer. I am affording you that same privacy and respect as you suffer through the tragic accident scene your mind has become. My advice: lie still and wait for the ambulance to arrive.
Jan 11, 2020
RayFYou were just "driving by"? Seems to me like you were right in there, that is, until you realized someone was calling out your BS. Go back and re-read my first comment and ask yourself if maybe you overreacted bit. The only other comments I posted were to address the nonsense you lobbed at me. The internet is filled with 14year olds saying all the same stuff as you, so I'm not at all bothered by it. But don't suddenly claim the high road and act like you're the bigger person for walking away. If you're done, then great, turn around and scurry off, tail tucked between your legs. Quit worrying about what's going on in my mind and start working on yours. Then maybe find a few real friends and you'll see its not so easy to know what others are thinking with out actually getting to know them. There are a lot fewer Nazis with tiny pricks out there than you think. Although, a connection between the two sounds plausible. All things aside, I really do hope you try my Kale recipe. Look for Tuscan or Tuscon variety or organic if you can. Kale is like the Mr T. of the lettuce family.
Jan 11, 2020
akaCastleTake a hint--not interested.

Jan 11, 2020
RayFAwe, the wittel baby panda is sad. I tink he got his feewings hurt. Looks like no one taught him that if you can't take it, don't dish it out. I'll leave you alone to go take a nap.
Jan 12, 2020
PNWNativeGuns blazing? I made a sarcastic comment about the things people whine about today. I didn't think it was particularly aggressive. Hell, you endorse it! The guns came out after that, and look at who was wielding them. As for my beliefs, I try to have Faith, but certainly not in people or politics. I base my ideas on evidence and experiences, and maybe a little bit of Hope. Things are pretty good right now, a lot better than its been for the last decade or so. That's just an opinion, but there is plenty of evidence to support my reasoning. I would gladly listen to evidence refuting my opinion, but that requires conversation.
Jan 12, 2020
akaCastleGuess what? I wasn't addressing you in the comment that has you all in a froth. Next time pay attention so you don't get so bent out of shape over NOTHING to do with you.
Jan 12, 2020
PNWNativeI'm @akaCastle 's biggest fan--now that I've found his "mute button"!

Jan 12, 2020
PNWNativeIt's not possible to offend me because I'm an adult and only leftist trash get offended. Why would I block anyone? I enjoy laughing at the idiotic immature TDS lunatics and will for another 5 years. The fact that you seem to be offended and STILL suffer with poor reading comprehension tells me a lot about you.
Jan 12, 2020
LimeGreenYetiAnother volcanic flow of name calling after whining about it, here is the list: leftist, trash, idiotic, immature, TDS, lunatics. Never said I was offended, your words - not mine.
Jan 12, 2020

Jan 13, 2020
PNWNativeYou certainly act offended, snowflake. Nobody but you whined either but you don't like in reality which is part of your TDS mental illness. It's also hysterical that the coward Ray blocked me but still talks to me. Enjoy that safe space!
Jan 13, 2020
LimeGreenYetiMore name-calling: TDS, mental illness, coward. Let me remind what you said: "...because I'm an adult..." Surely you jest.
Jan 13, 2020
PNWNativeLooks like @LimeGreenYeti is stalking you now! Keep a look out for his Lime Green Weenie mobile--if you see it parked near your house, call the police!

Jan 14, 2020
PNWNativeYeah, I'm an adult that's calling you names you're whining about yet deserve and claim not to be offended by. What's the issue again?
Jan 14, 2020
LimeGreenYetiI'll put it concisely and simply: adults don't spend all of their time calling people names in conversation. And to make my point, most adults are offended by so-called other adults who don't know how to comport themselves without resorting to name-calling.
Jan 14, 2020
PNWNativeYou think we’re having a conversation? You and the other idiot started with your insane TDS nonsense and are now triggered because I answered your stupidity back in the way that you and the other idiot initiated this meltdown. I’d ask you to go back and read the start of this but you won’t and will still pretend to have the high ground here because I don’t care about your opinion of me, Trump, or the price of tea in China.
Jan 14, 2020
LimeGreenYetiAu contraire, you assume too much, I did go back and re-read the comment thread. I thought as a self-proclaimed adult you would consider this a conversation - I guess I was incorrect. I never expressed an opinion on Trump. Triggered - I am not the one who is so angry, you are. Have you been "triggered" by this conversation? Sure looks like it to me.
Jan 14, 2020
PNWNative"He didn't answer because you sound like a QAnon. But I will - before you go out make sure your tinfoil hat is securely fastened." While not specifically mentioning Trump you sure use the tropes of the anti-Trump oppressive left. It looks like I'm triggered? Really? Seems like your pal with over 10k comments and you are the triggered folks here but again, I couldn't care less what something looks like to you.
Jan 14, 2020
LimeGreenYetiOooh, talk about being so easily offended, I guess you were projecting and talking about yourself. Must be hard to see things and get so angry and upset, you are the walking and talking personification of what you call "triggered." But you are an adult!
Jan 15, 2020
PNWNativeMy next response will let you know exactly how "triggered" I am. (even though it's only soy slurping dems who can be triggered) Ready?
Jan 16, 2020
You realize if you weren't talking to him, no one else would be? You're giving him air-time; you should cancel his show ;- )
Jan 16, 2020
RayFGood point - all the best to you for pointing that out!