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Apr 21, 2018
I don’t think so.
Apr 23, 2018
RayFBut why? there's sooooooooooooo many knives! Lol
Seriously though, shocked to see a set that comes with non-serrated steak knives Unless you're eating your steaks off wooden platters at home, be sure you know what you're getting into with those
Apr 23, 2018
KavikNoticed that too. Guess they think highly of thier blades? Still, this set is more for the five-car garage crowd than for a “bachelor-farmer“ like myself. On the other hand, perfect for a husband and wife team with a carnival knife throwing act!
Apr 23, 2018
RayFNon serrated can be great for steak knives, but I don't get it in this profile, with that belly dragging on the plates. I have an old set of MAC knives that are non-serrated, but they are short, short blades, with a rounded tip, and kept blunt at the tip so the edge that rides on the plate doesn't need sharpening after every meal. The actual sharpened blade starts just a hair further back
As for the rest of the knives....the profiles on a couple don't look bad, but so much redundancy. Unless you have a need for multiple knives that serve the same purpose. Like a family with 3 or 4 cooking side by side on a regular basis? Or maybe.....
Apr 23, 2018
KavikCertainly more than I need!
Jan 2, 2019
KavikOther top brands use non-serrated steak knives (see Wustof). It's not a big deal for me, I just run mine on the iron once in a while.
Jan 2, 2019
S3e3I know there are plenty of them out there, and I'm all for it personally....just surprised when I see them in sets for the masses is all Thinking of the number of people I know who own these block type sets for convenience and have never sharpened anything in their life. Or the people I know who would want a big block of knives out on their counter for the esthetics, but probably don't want their fancy dinner plates showing knife marks In my mind, it's just something I associate with a different crowd. Those who care enough to not mind the maintenance, i assume are the type who also know you're usually better off with 2 or 3 hand picked knives rather than buying sets