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MX switches don't fit exactly in a Drop + OLKB Planck keyboard

I bought a Drop + OLKB Planck Mechanical Keyboard Kit V6 and a Gateron SMD MX Mechanical Switch Pack (Clear). However I discovered that the pins don't exactly fit into the two holes per switch of the PCB. The two pins are spaced a little bit (about 1 mm) too far from each other and one of them is a bit too far (about 1 mm) to the front. The guide just says «Place MX-compatible switches into the plate. Ensure pins on each switch are aligned with the corresponding switch socket before pressing a switch onto the plate to avoid damaging the switch or PCB.» For one switch I managed to bend the pins a little bit and it worked, i. e. after I seated the switch I could get a keypress. However it was very difficult to find the exact amount and direction of the bend. I don't think I can manage to seat 47 switches this way. I destroyed four switches before I was successful with the one switch. Is something wrong with my delivery? Are the Gateron MX switches incompatible?

Jan 12, 2022
Now I found out what went wrong. I am somewhat hyperopic and didn't see the two dark holes for the Gateron switches. I only saw the two holes with the brass-colored rims. Sorry for the trouble. I am still fighting with the keyboard. The Drop + OLKB Acute Keycaps have staggered inclines for the cap surfaces. I didn't know that. It makes sense, however. Your finger will touch the rows further behind at a different angle. However I have a layout where Y and Z are switched (QWERTZUIOP). I am a bit disappointed that the Z is different. Now I understand what the Japanese meant with their saying «The nail that sticks out gets hammered». Probably I will need to order different caps. And I did something wrong with the space bar stabilisator. And I don't have a clue how to enable the keys left and right from the space bar. And I discovered that I am not happy with my cursor keys, I will need to change that. Probably use AWSD with a modifier. I don't worry, I am happy, this is a journey for me. Thank you everybody who has written something here.
Jan 11, 2022
If you follow the directions it has you set the 4 corner switches into the plate and then mount the 4 onto the board with the plate. Then you put the rest on the board with the plate already mounted. My Planck v6 I have used gateron smd reds on it, kailh speed gold, halo true, holy panda, and the domikey x cyberpunk switches and they all fit.
Jan 11, 2022
I have the same board with gateron smd reds and they fit fine. Tho a couple switches by the space bar you have to flip them upside down to seat them.
Jan 11, 2022
Meanwhile I ordered a JJ40 elsewhere as I saw on a picture that they have three pin holes per switch socket. I also saw that Planck rev4 has three holes, too. For crying out loud, why has the rev6 the third hole removed???? Let's see whether I return the Planck rev6 or not.
Jan 11, 2022
Tomorrow I am going to post a picture of my PCB. Probably it's the rev6_drop.
Jan 11, 2022
This is the hole which is missing on the rev6_drop. This is a picture of the rev4. Posting picture of the rev6_drop tomorrow.
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